Alliance War diversity selection

Given that diversity is an important part of alliance war scoring, it would be great if there was an in game way to facilitate picking diverse defenders. Some ideas for implementing include:
- a portrait icon similar to the existing indicators for AQ, AW, and active in quest
- grey out defenders already chosen
- a filter option to hide defenders already chosen
- a warning message that pops up when you've chosen duplicate defenders
Some type of partially grayed status on your Roster Select champs when picking for AW Defense. Wouldn’t prevent you from selecting them, but easier visual clue that they already exist in Defense.
The quick button on bottom left that shows a summary of the BG's current Defense Team helps, but would be easier to see some status right on your Roster Selection.
ALSO, would be great if Kabam would allow people to CHANGE THEIR DEFENDERS even after initial selection/placement. So say someone brings an average strength of a top-defender, and you want to use your own highest-rank version of him instead (while not wanting to lose some Diversity).
You could let the other person know that you are using yours instead of their weaker one, and they can go and swap theirs out for a different Unique defender instead (provided they came back in game to do it before the Attack phase starts).
Maybe even let you MARK other people's champs, and they would get a game-Mail notice sent to them with your request that they change their champ.