This luck factor is so irritating. Not able push in act 6 cos of non worthy champions

Not being able to pull the god tier champs from so many crystal and still stuck in 6.1 is so stupid. Garbage 6* and 5* champs. **** luck, no care for hard work in a collecting the shards. Man this is so frustrating.
I’m assuming that also means you haven’t explored any of the variants either so go back and do the content that your roster is capable of and come back to act 6 when you’ve put in some work to expand your roster.
please stop complaining
Basically would AA be more useful then omega red. Ps I have multiple mutant gems and around 300 sig stones waiting to get dumped in to some one
The dark side is true. The light side lies and manipulates people through mind control, abduct kids and act like justice is with them.
only way I’ll join
Welcome all new fellow dark siders.
Come all ye and join me in the sunlight of the Glorious Good Roster Master Race.
I was actually referring to Champion in my post. Yes you’ll need a nullifier for the first 90% but we have no lack of those in the game. The last 10%, I’ve done it with Gulk on one pass and Sentinel on another. So maybe besides removing the NT incoming link, I feel that the last 10% should remain as it is.
But I think it is also important to understand the level at which those kinds of gripes arise. Complaints from players who have max rank incredible champs at an early stage ring hollow to me.
I’ve completed over 10K quests with around 80K quest fights won. My PVP fights won is over 90K. My first 5* CG pull was late last year, and I got super lucky with a Warlock 5* out of one featured crystal. Until just recently, both of those champs were in my top 5 (only CG is now). My point is this: I played a lot of MCoC before I ever got to a point where I was lucky enough to own a R5 Corvus or Warlock.
I’m not going to point out anyone else’s game stats, but I see a lot of people lamenting champ pulls and rosters who have only played a fraction of the fights I’ve played—and I’m by no means the most experienced Summoner. At a basic level, this line of argument tends to crowd out the veteran players who have legitimately found themselves walled off from content because of bad pRNG luck.
Dr. Zola