Alliance kick = no seasons reward

I was in an alliance and I was taking part in war and I got kicked from the team and I doen more than 5 wars to participate in the season reward so will I still get them or do I need to be in a team to get rewards.
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My typical policy is to release folks after rewards come in. There have been a couple folks who did cost us and were just horrible. My officers and I made the decision to boot after the last war.
Bottom line, it all depends on how the alliance is run, as well as the player in question. Kabam doesn't interfere in alliance affairs, especially when no rules are broken.
You needed them to finish the season. If they didn't fit the alliance you should part ways and allow them to find somewhere they fit in and can get rewards rather then stringing them along to only kick them and deny them rewards.
Maybe Kabam should introduce a complaints system so Alliances like this can't do this kind of **** to players just because they were poor performers but make them stay for the whole season because they can't recruit anyone else.
1- if the person stays the whole season they should not be kicked or entitled to the rewards even if they are kicked.
2- if that person was kicked right before season without rewards they may have deserved it. As a leader/officer in an alliance for a long time we have always let someone get their rewards no matter how bad they have been. We only kicked 1 person right before season rewards. We planned it and did it, he was in Game and cost us map 6 crystals and didn’t revive in 2 wars when we knew he could have. He did it to spite us. Kicked before AQ and AW rewards (landed on same day that season). Never ever have we done it since.
Your system would be the abused by the ones that just sat there(I boot before the rewards they deserve it they’ve been warned multiple times by this time)
If you don’t participate you shouldn’t get rewards
Only way we can punish players who don’t play
AW sucks, and its a lot more stress in your life for garbage rewards.
At my tier(12, S1), my alliance mates that play AW are facing bosses like R2 sinisters, R5 dooms, etc.....
combined with the nodes, its not a fun time.
My advice: just quit AW all together
That will offer some kind of protection for player against bad officers.
Officers and leader will keep control over their team as they still can kick a bad player before they open alliance quest and war.
Not perfect, but it's a start
I'm referring to folks who come in during the last 5 wars. We try to replace poor performers before the cutoff, but new recruits are always a gamble.