Abyss Path 1 Preparation For My 2nd Account:

I am planning to bring this team for Abyss path 1 on my 2nd account.Reason I am bringing Colossus and omega red because I want to be sure that Colossus can actually beat collector in less revives than AEGON or not.
GR synergy Claire so when I use Colossus against VTD.VTD buff expires by the time they he activates them, 50% reduction in buffs duration.
Aegon only against Thing and quake just for ramp up.
Claire for Omega Red,Medusa,Hyperion,IMIW and mephisto.
Colossus and Omega Red for rest of the fights.Hopefully Colossus works better against collector than AEGON.
His words are not evidence.
And @GOTG and I don't have to prove anything to you. Who you even are. Your words don't tell me what to do or not. Talk to me like that again I won't be polite anymore.
@H3t3r This is my old discussion looks like you haven't watched my new discussion. I have ready posted it I am planning to use this team.
Sorcerer Supreme:For Medusa, Hyperion,VTD,CMM,Cull obsidian,Champion,Mordo and Aegon.
Aegon: Initial built up at Thing and Quake. I can use omega and colossus but I need backup option for collector.
Colossus and Omega red:These two champions are test for Abyss. I also want to know will Colossus work against collector or not.Colossus anfd omega red are just test.If they work I will post screenshots and discussion about them.
Claire Voyant:Mastery Setup not ready for her will be using her for Mephisto and IMIW only.
Show me your dark face.
@SpideyFunko @ThatGuyYouSaw235 and now when I will say anything you will say I am rude. Before I do anything tell him to stay in limits.
@GOTG and like I said I don't have to prove anything to you. I don't know you, you mean nothing to me.
I have beat the abyss and can say first hand that there will be more successful teams than the one you are bringing.
But just try to tell others to calm down.Caus ewhen they use abusive words you support them but when I do you said I am rude what about him.
Next time read the full post first and try to understand then come knocking.And if you still don't understand what test means, you can Google it.Cause the way you said definitely not was leaning towards like you are answering question that I didn't asked.
And I have seen people using Aegon,Doom,Nick,Torch and lots of revives.There are far better teams.I have seen people using IMIW,STEALTHY,Corvus and using less revives compare to team of Aegon,fury,doom,Torch.
Like my alliance member used symbiote supreme,Colossus,Omega,Corvus and torch for exploration using 10K revives, it was less than 10K just rounding it off consider total 10K .So should I say that this team is better than that team.Cause I have seen people using lots of revives with the team you are considering to be best.
For me I will use Aegon, Colossus,Omega red, Sorcerer Supreme and last champion always depends on path you are taking.I will guarantee you that I will stick with this team till 100% exploration and will keep doing screenshots of fights maybe small videos as well.
Plus right now I only have 60 units. This post was just about what champions I will use in abyss not about how good Claire.I don't understand from where they brought Claotopic while I am talking about using sorcerer supeme and colossus.Like I said they only want to fight nothing else.
I will grind arena for units and with those units I will do abyss, no way I will open masteries so I can use CLAIRE in abyss even though I have sorcerer supeme.
And even if I used Claire which is not possible for now, still I will only take screenshots cause you cannot directly upload video to forums you have to do that through YouTube and I am in no mood sharing my channel and Google account.
And when someone says I am going to do abyss.It's better to say goodluck instead of saying make video.When you do abyss, you can make video.