Mojo Anti-Life Field

Mojo's anti-life field states that all buffs triggered on the opponent have 90% reduced duration. However, this doesn't seem to apply to the extra buff duration in situations where the opponent has increased buff duration (duped hyperion, 6.2 champion etc.) What I mean is that mojo will reduce the regular buff duration by 90%, but the extra duration is still the same. Not sure if this is intended or not
So with anti-field, the buff should last around half the duration of the original value
Dev Note: Buff duration being reduced by 90% is very significant. Medusa’s Fury effects will only last for 1.4 seconds. Hyperion’s Power Gain and Juggernaut’s Unstoppable will only last for 0.4 seconds. And whenever any of these expire, Mojo will Degenerate his Opponent.