Just give up on tactics

You have a new map with new nodes some of which definitely don't seem thought out. Scattered 90% dmg reduction, only do dmg for 6 seconds after getting intercepts, aggression fury AND oscillate??!?!?! Those are just the few that came to mind, I'm sure there's more.
Tactics on top of everything is sucking the little potential of fun that may have been left in war. Go back to the drawing board with tactics, they just don't work. In my opinion they never will work and should be scrapped altogether, just do node refreshes every so often and be done with trying to over complicate what used to be the best game mode.
There are just too many variables to consider and properly test. There will by default ALWAYS be something that is the absolute worst option to face.
Tactics on top of everything is sucking the little potential of fun that may have been left in war. Go back to the drawing board with tactics, they just don't work. In my opinion they never will work and should be scrapped altogether, just do node refreshes every so often and be done with trying to over complicate what used to be the best game mode.
There are just too many variables to consider and properly test. There will by default ALWAYS be something that is the absolute worst option to face.
Actually making the game more enjoyable and less stress should be the key.
Content will get beaten eventually. That's how it is. Don't force stuff.