Dev Diary: The Future of Quests



  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    Frosty said:

    Frosty said:

    Frosty said:

    Until another road map is dropped we really need to make it clear what acceptable compensation should look like for those of us who 100% act 6. For those who only did initial clear and haven't done 100% I will let kabam decide how to break that down.

    I think these 3 ideas are acceptable and anything less will be met with extreme outrage.

    1) If Kabam wants to go the rewards upgrade route. 1 full t5cc crystal; 50 generic 6 star sig stones

    2) Just give everyone 5k units minimum for their trouble. I personally think this is the best offer.

    3) A combination of both. So 2k units plus a full t5cc crystal.

    the rewards route is laughable. Why would they give more? Folks who did it before knew how hard it was and yet did it for those rewards. Now they want more rewards? Lol, talk about rivers of salt. While i do agree compensation is warranted, this idea is ridiculous. giving a blanket of units/ L3 or L4 consumables (which cannot expire) would be a better way to compensate.
    I don't think it is laughable. For those of us that completed act 6 100% didn't think the rewards were good enough. (I'm pretty sure that you didn't 100% act 6 which is why you're spewing such nonsense) So it would make sense that we should get catalysts because we completed content that was over tuned. Kabam gave us rewards based on content they admittedly didn't realize was that difficult so therefore misjudged the rewards and they should make it up to us period. .

    I also gave another option of just giving us 4k units minimum. Which I think would be acceptable as well.

    Spewing nonsense? I opted for abyss over Act6 because the rewards werent worth the effort. Should I feel sorry that you chose otherwise? The units you spent on act6, I went ahead and spent on abyss. Nobody forced you to do act6, now that it is getting nerfed, you want to raise a stink about rewards? Why do it in the first place then?
    I am not disagreeing about compensation, it is warranted. This "extra rewards" though, is laughable.
    Agree to disagree, simple as that. Like I said earlier you didn't 100% act 6 which is why you have that opinion. If you miss out on extra catalysts so be it. But I'm not going to tamper my rewards request for your sake or anyone else who didn't commit to act 6.
    Compensation supposed to be for stuff that you spent. Units/items that don't expire make sense. Because that's what you lost when you did Act 6 when it was hard. Not T5cc.
    We can go in circles. Act 6 wasn't properly rewarded to begin with. For those of you that haven't completed it yet you still have until Dec otherwise I think a T5CC crystal makes a lot of sense. Agree to disagree.
    How greedy can you be for asking for another t5cc? This gives a huge advantage over anyone who comes after you and never able to catch up

    Asking for ridiculous compensation just gets you ignored
    How is that ridiculous? People can still do act 6 now as is, no one is stopping you and you responding to my post is just giving it more attention.

    You know how Kabam could've avoided this? By listening to me 10 months ago when I said attack values are too high and the champion boss is over tuned. I literally have a post where I told Kabam they will be forced to nerf all of act 6 with where they're headed. So me asking for a t5cc is ridiculous? No, getting to this point is ridiculous so my request is mild in comparison.
    It's getting ignored by kabam. Lots of us here will gladly call you out on being crazy. Hopefully you'll realize when nobody agrees with you on this kabam will just brush off your request as everyone aside from you thinks you're asking for too much.

    Go ahead and save your post about high attack values as you weren't the only one who felt the same yet still chose to push through content you felt unfair.
    So you're calling me crazy because I want a T5CC? Man you're dedicated lol.

    We don't know what Kabam will do and you certainly don't speak for them so yeah, you have no authority on compensation. So all that blabber you just gave is irrelevant.

    Lastly I know I wasn't the only one who said it and I never claimed to be. I'm just stating that the over tuned attack values could've been resolved to avoid a situation to where compensation is needed.
    I never claimed to have authority over compensation. I'm calling you crazy for expecting crazy compensation.

    Compensation is about making the people who suffered whole again. In no way does a t5cc make you whole, it makes you better off. Giving units would be the ideal way to compensate but still leaves gaps as some spent more than others and don't think they'd look at how much each summoner spent.

    Obviously if they give a t5cc as compensation I'd love it and would even come back here and thank you immediately for shooting for the moon and asking for stuff nobody else did but realistically i don't see it being any form of rank up materials or champion shards.
    You responding negatively to my post doesn't help so I doubt you'd thank me. We know Kabam responds positively to feedback when its an overwhelming majority. You do not come to the negotiation with what you want, you aim high first so Kabam might say no to a full t5cc crystal but say hey a 25% t5cc selector maybe a reasonable middle ground. Its nice to have but not game breaking. Mainly I want the units though.
    That's a misnomer. Ask anyone if they want more Rewards, they're undoubtedly going to say yes. What the OP is saying is being reasonable means there are better chances at being heard.
    My original post had 3 options that won't receive major backlash. T5cc was in 2 of the 3 options. You are coming in late or you're ignoring the fact that I said 4k units is an option as well.

    Also, Kabam gives compensation with shards, t2 alphas, sig stones, etc etc. You guys are really over valuing a t5cc especially one that isn't a selector.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,940 ★★★★★

    Frosty said:

    Frosty said:

    Frosty said:

    Until another road map is dropped we really need to make it clear what acceptable compensation should look like for those of us who 100% act 6. For those who only did initial clear and haven't done 100% I will let kabam decide how to break that down.

    I think these 3 ideas are acceptable and anything less will be met with extreme outrage.

    1) If Kabam wants to go the rewards upgrade route. 1 full t5cc crystal; 50 generic 6 star sig stones

    2) Just give everyone 5k units minimum for their trouble. I personally think this is the best offer.

    3) A combination of both. So 2k units plus a full t5cc crystal.

    the rewards route is laughable. Why would they give more? Folks who did it before knew how hard it was and yet did it for those rewards. Now they want more rewards? Lol, talk about rivers of salt. While i do agree compensation is warranted, this idea is ridiculous. giving a blanket of units/ L3 or L4 consumables (which cannot expire) would be a better way to compensate.
    I don't think it is laughable. For those of us that completed act 6 100% didn't think the rewards were good enough. (I'm pretty sure that you didn't 100% act 6 which is why you're spewing such nonsense) So it would make sense that we should get catalysts because we completed content that was over tuned. Kabam gave us rewards based on content they admittedly didn't realize was that difficult so therefore misjudged the rewards and they should make it up to us period. .

    I also gave another option of just giving us 4k units minimum. Which I think would be acceptable as well.

    Spewing nonsense? I opted for abyss over Act6 because the rewards werent worth the effort. Should I feel sorry that you chose otherwise? The units you spent on act6, I went ahead and spent on abyss. Nobody forced you to do act6, now that it is getting nerfed, you want to raise a stink about rewards? Why do it in the first place then?
    I am not disagreeing about compensation, it is warranted. This "extra rewards" though, is laughable.
    Agree to disagree, simple as that. Like I said earlier you didn't 100% act 6 which is why you have that opinion. If you miss out on extra catalysts so be it. But I'm not going to tamper my rewards request for your sake or anyone else who didn't commit to act 6.
    Compensation supposed to be for stuff that you spent. Units/items that don't expire make sense. Because that's what you lost when you did Act 6 when it was hard. Not T5cc.
    We can go in circles. Act 6 wasn't properly rewarded to begin with. For those of you that haven't completed it yet you still have until Dec otherwise I think a T5CC crystal makes a lot of sense. Agree to disagree.
    How greedy can you be for asking for another t5cc? This gives a huge advantage over anyone who comes after you and never able to catch up

    Asking for ridiculous compensation just gets you ignored
    How is that ridiculous? People can still do act 6 now as is, no one is stopping you and you responding to my post is just giving it more attention.

    You know how Kabam could've avoided this? By listening to me 10 months ago when I said attack values are too high and the champion boss is over tuned. I literally have a post where I told Kabam they will be forced to nerf all of act 6 with where they're headed. So me asking for a t5cc is ridiculous? No, getting to this point is ridiculous so my request is mild in comparison.
    It's getting ignored by kabam. Lots of us here will gladly call you out on being crazy. Hopefully you'll realize when nobody agrees with you on this kabam will just brush off your request as everyone aside from you thinks you're asking for too much.

    Go ahead and save your post about high attack values as you weren't the only one who felt the same yet still chose to push through content you felt unfair.
    So you're calling me crazy because I want a T5CC? Man you're dedicated lol.

    We don't know what Kabam will do and you certainly don't speak for them so yeah, you have no authority on compensation. So all that blabber you just gave is irrelevant.

    Lastly I know I wasn't the only one who said it and I never claimed to be. I'm just stating that the over tuned attack values could've been resolved to avoid a situation to where compensation is needed.
    I never claimed to have authority over compensation. I'm calling you crazy for expecting crazy compensation.

    Compensation is about making the people who suffered whole again. In no way does a t5cc make you whole, it makes you better off. Giving units would be the ideal way to compensate but still leaves gaps as some spent more than others and don't think they'd look at how much each summoner spent.

    Obviously if they give a t5cc as compensation I'd love it and would even come back here and thank you immediately for shooting for the moon and asking for stuff nobody else did but realistically i don't see it being any form of rank up materials or champion shards.
    You responding negatively to my post doesn't help so I doubt you'd thank me. We know Kabam responds positively to feedback when its an overwhelming majority. You do not come to the negotiation with what you want, you aim high first so Kabam might say no to a full t5cc crystal but say hey a 25% t5cc selector maybe a reasonable middle ground. Its nice to have but not game breaking. Mainly I want the units though.
    That's a misnomer. Ask anyone if they want more Rewards, they're undoubtedly going to say yes. What the OP is saying is being reasonable means there are better chances at being heard.
    My original post had 3 options that won't receive major backlash. T5cc was in 2 of the 3 options. You are coming in late or you're ignoring the fact that I said 4k units is an option as well.

    Also, Kabam gives compensation with shards, t2 alphas, sig stones, etc etc. You guys are really over valuing a t5cc especially one that isn't a selector.
    You're undervaluing it, IMO. Also, people didn't use T5BB to get through it. They used Resources like Revs, Pots, Units, Boosts, etc.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    arsjum said:

    You guys are having a pointless debate. None of us have an idea what the compensation will look like, if it's ever given.

    I have 100% cleared it and I'll take whatever Kabam gives. If they don't, whatever. I'm done with Act 6.

    I do feel however that Kabam is going a little overboard with nerfing Act 6. I don't know, with that level of attack reduction, will Act 6 be even significantly different from 5.4?

    Champion nerf is deserved as are some niche encounters like Mr Sinister and Acid Wash Mysterio. Attack reduction in 6.3 and 6.4 was needed but not to this degree.

    Now the Cavalier Difficulty has got me worried. Will it be tuned in line with Act 6 difficulty in its current state or its nerfed version? I hope it's the former.

    Yeah, they absolutely are gutting it. I'm pretty disappointed honestly. I'm done with it though so oh well. The things you mentioned and removing strength of number from 6.2.5 mordo are really all I personally felt were justified.

    I don't want or expect compensation as whatever we get will be absolutely meaningless so I'd rather they did nothing honestly.
  • FrostyFrosty Member Posts: 485 ★★★

    Frosty said:

    Frosty said:

    Frosty said:

    Until another road map is dropped we really need to make it clear what acceptable compensation should look like for those of us who 100% act 6. For those who only did initial clear and haven't done 100% I will let kabam decide how to break that down.

    I think these 3 ideas are acceptable and anything less will be met with extreme outrage.

    1) If Kabam wants to go the rewards upgrade route. 1 full t5cc crystal; 50 generic 6 star sig stones

    2) Just give everyone 5k units minimum for their trouble. I personally think this is the best offer.

    3) A combination of both. So 2k units plus a full t5cc crystal.

    the rewards route is laughable. Why would they give more? Folks who did it before knew how hard it was and yet did it for those rewards. Now they want more rewards? Lol, talk about rivers of salt. While i do agree compensation is warranted, this idea is ridiculous. giving a blanket of units/ L3 or L4 consumables (which cannot expire) would be a better way to compensate.
    I don't think it is laughable. For those of us that completed act 6 100% didn't think the rewards were good enough. (I'm pretty sure that you didn't 100% act 6 which is why you're spewing such nonsense) So it would make sense that we should get catalysts because we completed content that was over tuned. Kabam gave us rewards based on content they admittedly didn't realize was that difficult so therefore misjudged the rewards and they should make it up to us period. .

    I also gave another option of just giving us 4k units minimum. Which I think would be acceptable as well.

    Spewing nonsense? I opted for abyss over Act6 because the rewards werent worth the effort. Should I feel sorry that you chose otherwise? The units you spent on act6, I went ahead and spent on abyss. Nobody forced you to do act6, now that it is getting nerfed, you want to raise a stink about rewards? Why do it in the first place then?
    I am not disagreeing about compensation, it is warranted. This "extra rewards" though, is laughable.
    Agree to disagree, simple as that. Like I said earlier you didn't 100% act 6 which is why you have that opinion. If you miss out on extra catalysts so be it. But I'm not going to tamper my rewards request for your sake or anyone else who didn't commit to act 6.
    Compensation supposed to be for stuff that you spent. Units/items that don't expire make sense. Because that's what you lost when you did Act 6 when it was hard. Not T5cc.
    We can go in circles. Act 6 wasn't properly rewarded to begin with. For those of you that haven't completed it yet you still have until Dec otherwise I think a T5CC crystal makes a lot of sense. Agree to disagree.
    How greedy can you be for asking for another t5cc? This gives a huge advantage over anyone who comes after you and never able to catch up

    Asking for ridiculous compensation just gets you ignored
    How is that ridiculous? People can still do act 6 now as is, no one is stopping you and you responding to my post is just giving it more attention.

    You know how Kabam could've avoided this? By listening to me 10 months ago when I said attack values are too high and the champion boss is over tuned. I literally have a post where I told Kabam they will be forced to nerf all of act 6 with where they're headed. So me asking for a t5cc is ridiculous? No, getting to this point is ridiculous so my request is mild in comparison.
    It's getting ignored by kabam. Lots of us here will gladly call you out on being crazy. Hopefully you'll realize when nobody agrees with you on this kabam will just brush off your request as everyone aside from you thinks you're asking for too much.

    Go ahead and save your post about high attack values as you weren't the only one who felt the same yet still chose to push through content you felt unfair.
    So you're calling me crazy because I want a T5CC? Man you're dedicated lol.

    We don't know what Kabam will do and you certainly don't speak for them so yeah, you have no authority on compensation. So all that blabber you just gave is irrelevant.

    Lastly I know I wasn't the only one who said it and I never claimed to be. I'm just stating that the over tuned attack values could've been resolved to avoid a situation to where compensation is needed.
    I never claimed to have authority over compensation. I'm calling you crazy for expecting crazy compensation.

    Compensation is about making the people who suffered whole again. In no way does a t5cc make you whole, it makes you better off. Giving units would be the ideal way to compensate but still leaves gaps as some spent more than others and don't think they'd look at how much each summoner spent.

    Obviously if they give a t5cc as compensation I'd love it and would even come back here and thank you immediately for shooting for the moon and asking for stuff nobody else did but realistically i don't see it being any form of rank up materials or champion shards.
    They can look what each summoner spent man
    They did it earlier when they refunded units and loyalty for refund if Mystic Dispersion mastery and that time the number of players was much larger but this time it’s only 1% of player base who did act6 and explored it fully. So don’t say “ they'd look at how much each summoner spent.”
    The problem here is you have no imagination of how many units spent and arguing without experiencing any such stuff. So better you wait till December and do the EASY DIFFICULTY
    They can but the MD and act 6 is a bit different, MD was a set amount of cores while act 6 is an unknown amount of revives/health/boosts over a year. There has also been other content released so its not just a matter of looking how much items were bought in that period as those items could have been spent on variants, LOL or abyss as well.

    I never said they don't or won't look i said i don't think they will

    Not sure why i can't argue from my perspective too as I've cleared all act 6 aside from 50% 6.4 which I'm still working through and won't wait until December as there's nothing else to do right now.
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  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian
    Im kinda confused why people are wanting t5cc and shards for compensation. Doesn't it make sense to just give revives and pots as thats what you used throughout act6
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  • FrostyFrosty Member Posts: 485 ★★★

    H3t3r said:

    Im kinda confused why people are wanting t5cc and shards for compensation. Doesn't it make sense to just give revives and pots as thats what you used throughout act6

    This has always been an issue regarding compensation, what good is 20x revives 50x healths 10x energy to a guy who’s 100% everything, book2 I ant until December and all of those will expire
    Maybe that's why they'll wait to change act 6 and not give compensation until then. Then there's no complaints when all they give is items
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020
    Outside of compensation for act 6 (which is yet to be determined) I think the roadmap was a huge success because the changes we asked for were make or break for me. Based on where Kabam is headed I think it is the right one.

    All of my questions regarding masteries and rankup costs have not been answered but those are small potatoes compared to act 6 nerf (I was just worried it would kill the game I'm already done with act 6) and the AQ quality of life changes that are coming up.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★

    Outside of compensation for act 6 (which is yet to be determined) I think the roadmap was a huge success because the changes we asked for were make or break for me. Based on where Kabam is headed I think it is the right one.

    All of my questions regarding masteries and rankup costs have not been answered but those a small potatoes compared to act 6 nerf (I was just worried it would kill the game I'm already done with act 6) and the AQ quality of life changes that are coming up.

    Those should be talked about next Tuesday or Thursday, I don't remember which
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian

    H3t3r said:

    Im kinda confused why people are wanting t5cc and shards for compensation. Doesn't it make sense to just give revives and pots as thats what you used throughout act6

    This has always been an issue regarding compensation, what good is 20x revives 50x healths 10x energy to a guy who’s 100% everything, book2 I ant until December and all of those will expire
    They could give out like a key or something which unlocks the compensation and you can unlock it at any time.
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian

    arsjum said:

    You guys are having a pointless debate. None of us have an idea what the compensation will look like, if it's ever given.

    I have 100% cleared it and I'll take whatever Kabam gives. If they don't, whatever. I'm done with Act 6.

    I do feel however that Kabam is going a little overboard with nerfing Act 6. I don't know, with that level of attack reduction, will Act 6 be even significantly different from 5.4?

    Champion nerf is deserved as are some niche encounters like Mr Sinister and Acid Wash Mysterio. Attack reduction in 6.3 and 6.4 was needed but not to this degree.

    Now the Cavalier Difficulty has got me worried. Will it be tuned in line with Act 6 difficulty in its current state or its nerfed version? I hope it's the former.

    Yeah, they absolutely are gutting it. I'm pretty disappointed honestly. I'm done with it though so oh well. The things you mentioned and removing strength of number from 6.2.5 mordo are really all I personally felt were justified.

    I don't want or expect compensation as whatever we get will be absolutely meaningless so I'd rather they did nothing honestly.
    I feel bad that I'm upset that they are nerfing it so hard, but it is ridiculous. 40-60% reduction and up to 75% for bosses? The Hydra Adaptoid boss had about 40K attack (39,312) and with a 75% reduction, that brings it down to 10K (9,828).
    It's not even going to be the same fight anymore.
    One blocked hit with my r4 Stealthy took off somewhere around 2,200 health, now it'll take off around 550. The difference is huge. Is it any wonder why people who 100% feel like we deserve significant compensation?
    Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they are nerfing it, but I think they are nerfing it too hard. I was expecting a 25-30% reduction in attack values across the board, that would have made exploration a lot easier, but still difficult. This attack value reduction instead makes the content a cakewalk and now people are going to get the same rewards for between 40-75% less effort than those of us who completed and explored Act 6 in its current form. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for our compensation to include more rewards, though my original post was a bit much (aim high).
    Maybe I'm just being salty, but I do think we should get a little something extra in our compensation, after all, it was a lot harder for us. What do I think is reasonable now, after gauging the responses from my first?
    10K Six star shards
    50% t5cc selector
    I would also be more than happy to have this as compensation:
    a bunch of revives that don't expire
    potions that don't expire
    exclusive Orange title
    exclusive Profile pic
    I think the attack reductions are warranted. I dont really see an issue with how much they are being reduced. And i disagree with the content being a cakewalk with these reductions. 1 combo and you'll probably still die or get very close to it.
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    H3t3r said:

    arsjum said:

    You guys are having a pointless debate. None of us have an idea what the compensation will look like, if it's ever given.

    I have 100% cleared it and I'll take whatever Kabam gives. If they don't, whatever. I'm done with Act 6.

    I do feel however that Kabam is going a little overboard with nerfing Act 6. I don't know, with that level of attack reduction, will Act 6 be even significantly different from 5.4?

    Champion nerf is deserved as are some niche encounters like Mr Sinister and Acid Wash Mysterio. Attack reduction in 6.3 and 6.4 was needed but not to this degree.

    Now the Cavalier Difficulty has got me worried. Will it be tuned in line with Act 6 difficulty in its current state or its nerfed version? I hope it's the former.

    Yeah, they absolutely are gutting it. I'm pretty disappointed honestly. I'm done with it though so oh well. The things you mentioned and removing strength of number from 6.2.5 mordo are really all I personally felt were justified.

    I don't want or expect compensation as whatever we get will be absolutely meaningless so I'd rather they did nothing honestly.
    I feel bad that I'm upset that they are nerfing it so hard, but it is ridiculous. 40-60% reduction and up to 75% for bosses? The Hydra Adaptoid boss had about 40K attack (39,312) and with a 75% reduction, that brings it down to 10K (9,828).
    It's not even going to be the same fight anymore.
    One blocked hit with my r4 Stealthy took off somewhere around 2,200 health, now it'll take off around 550. The difference is huge. Is it any wonder why people who 100% feel like we deserve significant compensation?
    Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they are nerfing it, but I think they are nerfing it too hard. I was expecting a 25-30% reduction in attack values across the board, that would have made exploration a lot easier, but still difficult. This attack value reduction instead makes the content a cakewalk and now people are going to get the same rewards for between 40-75% less effort than those of us who completed and explored Act 6 in its current form. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for our compensation to include more rewards, though my original post was a bit much (aim high).
    Maybe I'm just being salty, but I do think we should get a little something extra in our compensation, after all, it was a lot harder for us. What do I think is reasonable now, after gauging the responses from my first?
    10K Six star shards
    50% t5cc selector
    I would also be more than happy to have this as compensation:
    a bunch of revives that don't expire
    potions that don't expire
    exclusive Orange title
    exclusive Profile pic
    I think the attack reductions are warranted. I dont really see an issue with how much they are being reduced. And i disagree with the content being a cakewalk with these reductions. 1 combo and you'll probably still die or get very close to it.
    They really aren't. That attack reduction is massive and will make it so much easier.
    25-30%, maybe 40% to the bosses would have been warranted, but this is just so much reduction.
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★

    H3t3r said:

    arsjum said:

    You guys are having a pointless debate. None of us have an idea what the compensation will look like, if it's ever given.

    I have 100% cleared it and I'll take whatever Kabam gives. If they don't, whatever. I'm done with Act 6.

    I do feel however that Kabam is going a little overboard with nerfing Act 6. I don't know, with that level of attack reduction, will Act 6 be even significantly different from 5.4?

    Champion nerf is deserved as are some niche encounters like Mr Sinister and Acid Wash Mysterio. Attack reduction in 6.3 and 6.4 was needed but not to this degree.

    Now the Cavalier Difficulty has got me worried. Will it be tuned in line with Act 6 difficulty in its current state or its nerfed version? I hope it's the former.

    Yeah, they absolutely are gutting it. I'm pretty disappointed honestly. I'm done with it though so oh well. The things you mentioned and removing strength of number from 6.2.5 mordo are really all I personally felt were justified.

    I don't want or expect compensation as whatever we get will be absolutely meaningless so I'd rather they did nothing honestly.
    I feel bad that I'm upset that they are nerfing it so hard, but it is ridiculous. 40-60% reduction and up to 75% for bosses? The Hydra Adaptoid boss had about 40K attack (39,312) and with a 75% reduction, that brings it down to 10K (9,828).
    It's not even going to be the same fight anymore.
    One blocked hit with my r4 Stealthy took off somewhere around 2,200 health, now it'll take off around 550. The difference is huge. Is it any wonder why people who 100% feel like we deserve significant compensation?
    Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they are nerfing it, but I think they are nerfing it too hard. I was expecting a 25-30% reduction in attack values across the board, that would have made exploration a lot easier, but still difficult. This attack value reduction instead makes the content a cakewalk and now people are going to get the same rewards for between 40-75% less effort than those of us who completed and explored Act 6 in its current form. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for our compensation to include more rewards, though my original post was a bit much (aim high).
    Maybe I'm just being salty, but I do think we should get a little something extra in our compensation, after all, it was a lot harder for us. What do I think is reasonable now, after gauging the responses from my first?
    10K Six star shards
    50% t5cc selector
    I would also be more than happy to have this as compensation:
    a bunch of revives that don't expire
    potions that don't expire
    exclusive Orange title
    exclusive Profile pic
    I think the attack reductions are warranted. I dont really see an issue with how much they are being reduced. And i disagree with the content being a cakewalk with these reductions. 1 combo and you'll probably still die or get very close to it.
    Not even close. The attack reduction is huge. You'll be able to sit there and block with R4s let alone R5s and survive. Basically anyone is going to be able to get through it at the level it will be brought down to.

    I'm fine with that if that's what they want to do but do not for a second act like a 50% attack reduction is some trivial change.
    I am going to make a counter argument, one that I have said before, it’s main story content. Everyone should be able to do it.

    I personally don’t really think reducing the attack values were needed, I would have preferred more focus on certain fights but if the game has a future past act 6, everyone should reasonably be able to beat it
  • arsjumarsjum Member Posts: 413 ★★★

    H3t3r said:

    arsjum said:

    You guys are having a pointless debate. None of us have an idea what the compensation will look like, if it's ever given.

    I have 100% cleared it and I'll take whatever Kabam gives. If they don't, whatever. I'm done with Act 6.

    I do feel however that Kabam is going a little overboard with nerfing Act 6. I don't know, with that level of attack reduction, will Act 6 be even significantly different from 5.4?

    Champion nerf is deserved as are some niche encounters like Mr Sinister and Acid Wash Mysterio. Attack reduction in 6.3 and 6.4 was needed but not to this degree.

    Now the Cavalier Difficulty has got me worried. Will it be tuned in line with Act 6 difficulty in its current state or its nerfed version? I hope it's the former.

    Yeah, they absolutely are gutting it. I'm pretty disappointed honestly. I'm done with it though so oh well. The things you mentioned and removing strength of number from 6.2.5 mordo are really all I personally felt were justified.

    I don't want or expect compensation as whatever we get will be absolutely meaningless so I'd rather they did nothing honestly.
    I feel bad that I'm upset that they are nerfing it so hard, but it is ridiculous. 40-60% reduction and up to 75% for bosses? The Hydra Adaptoid boss had about 40K attack (39,312) and with a 75% reduction, that brings it down to 10K (9,828).
    It's not even going to be the same fight anymore.
    One blocked hit with my r4 Stealthy took off somewhere around 2,200 health, now it'll take off around 550. The difference is huge. Is it any wonder why people who 100% feel like we deserve significant compensation?
    Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they are nerfing it, but I think they are nerfing it too hard. I was expecting a 25-30% reduction in attack values across the board, that would have made exploration a lot easier, but still difficult. This attack value reduction instead makes the content a cakewalk and now people are going to get the same rewards for between 40-75% less effort than those of us who completed and explored Act 6 in its current form. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for our compensation to include more rewards, though my original post was a bit much (aim high).
    Maybe I'm just being salty, but I do think we should get a little something extra in our compensation, after all, it was a lot harder for us. What do I think is reasonable now, after gauging the responses from my first?
    10K Six star shards
    50% t5cc selector
    I would also be more than happy to have this as compensation:
    a bunch of revives that don't expire
    potions that don't expire
    exclusive Orange title
    exclusive Profile pic
    I think the attack reductions are warranted. I dont really see an issue with how much they are being reduced. And i disagree with the content being a cakewalk with these reductions. 1 combo and you'll probably still die or get very close to it.
    Not even close. The attack reduction is huge. You'll be able to sit there and block with R4s let alone R5s and survive. Basically anyone is going to be able to get through it at the level it will be brought down to.

    I'm fine with that if that's what they want to do but do not for a second act like a 50% attack reduction is some trivial change.
    I am going to make a counter argument, one that I have said before, it’s main story content. Everyone should be able to do it.

    I personally don’t really think reducing the attack values were needed, I would have preferred more focus on certain fights but if the game has a future past act 6, everyone should reasonably be able to beat it
    Players with average skills should be able to beat it eventually down the line, not now. For now, it should require above average skills to get through it.
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian

    H3t3r said:

    arsjum said:

    You guys are having a pointless debate. None of us have an idea what the compensation will look like, if it's ever given.

    I have 100% cleared it and I'll take whatever Kabam gives. If they don't, whatever. I'm done with Act 6.

    I do feel however that Kabam is going a little overboard with nerfing Act 6. I don't know, with that level of attack reduction, will Act 6 be even significantly different from 5.4?

    Champion nerf is deserved as are some niche encounters like Mr Sinister and Acid Wash Mysterio. Attack reduction in 6.3 and 6.4 was needed but not to this degree.

    Now the Cavalier Difficulty has got me worried. Will it be tuned in line with Act 6 difficulty in its current state or its nerfed version? I hope it's the former.

    Yeah, they absolutely are gutting it. I'm pretty disappointed honestly. I'm done with it though so oh well. The things you mentioned and removing strength of number from 6.2.5 mordo are really all I personally felt were justified.

    I don't want or expect compensation as whatever we get will be absolutely meaningless so I'd rather they did nothing honestly.
    I feel bad that I'm upset that they are nerfing it so hard, but it is ridiculous. 40-60% reduction and up to 75% for bosses? The Hydra Adaptoid boss had about 40K attack (39,312) and with a 75% reduction, that brings it down to 10K (9,828).
    It's not even going to be the same fight anymore.
    One blocked hit with my r4 Stealthy took off somewhere around 2,200 health, now it'll take off around 550. The difference is huge. Is it any wonder why people who 100% feel like we deserve significant compensation?
    Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they are nerfing it, but I think they are nerfing it too hard. I was expecting a 25-30% reduction in attack values across the board, that would have made exploration a lot easier, but still difficult. This attack value reduction instead makes the content a cakewalk and now people are going to get the same rewards for between 40-75% less effort than those of us who completed and explored Act 6 in its current form. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for our compensation to include more rewards, though my original post was a bit much (aim high).
    Maybe I'm just being salty, but I do think we should get a little something extra in our compensation, after all, it was a lot harder for us. What do I think is reasonable now, after gauging the responses from my first?
    10K Six star shards
    50% t5cc selector
    I would also be more than happy to have this as compensation:
    a bunch of revives that don't expire
    potions that don't expire
    exclusive Orange title
    exclusive Profile pic
    I think the attack reductions are warranted. I dont really see an issue with how much they are being reduced. And i disagree with the content being a cakewalk with these reductions. 1 combo and you'll probably still die or get very close to it.
    They really aren't. That attack reduction is massive and will make it so much easier.
    25-30%, maybe 40% to the bosses would have been warranted, but this is just so much reduction.
    Gotta disagree.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    I would rather them be added to side quest and variants then sold in offers and gifting events. Please understand I am not asking it for myself. If 90% of your player base stops at 6.1 you don’t have a game anymore

    Well it's well known how I feel about a large portion of the playerbase and their willingness to attempt anything actually difficult. Regardless, I do agree with that though. Problem is, if you take my path and remove the major roster progression rewards from story and add them to side quests you have the same problem we do now. Those same people complaining about act 6 aren't complaining about it bc they want to complete it, they're complaining bc they want the rewards at the end. People have this false idea that they're going to "catch up" to the YouTubers and the whales. Take that away and then they're just complaining they can't do whatever the latest variant is instead of story content
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian
    One thing I will say now that I've gone back to 6.2 to look at attack values is that they dont require a 40 to 60% attack reduction maybe 25 to 30%. I think 40 to 60% those kind of reductions should be more for 6.3 and beyond. I think the sweet spot of 6500 attack for path fights and 11500 for boss fights.
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    I could be wrong but I read the attack reduction being more targeted at 6.3 and 6.4
  • Spider_ChrisSpider_Chris Member Posts: 4


    Part 1 of our Roadmap is live! Head over to our blog to read thoughts on the past, present, and future of Quests in Marvel Contest of Champions! Our team goes over what we've learned from the Book 2 Act 1 Beta Test and how we'll be moving forward revisions to Act 6 and the Champion Boss Fight, and much more! Read all about it on our Blog! Click here!

    As we mention in the post, we'd like to hear from you, our players, on what your Act 6 Pain Points with certain bosses were. We have some of our own plans and targets in the works, but they’re still early on and we don’t want to limit the possibilities by talking specifics just yet.

    We're going to set up a player focus group with a selection of 20-30 Summoners from across The Battlerealm and work with them to do some discovery surrounding what made some of the more troubling fights problematic. We're looking for players that have attempted Act 6 and can identify areas in which they felt they faced a challenge that was more difficult than they expected.

    Apply to be part of the Act 6 Pain Point Player Focus Group here.

    Here's my feedback on road to Cavalier difficulty: 6.1.5 boss fight (Crossbones) is absurd with the nodes in place. Unless you have the right champion to counter the nodes, you're basically stuck and can't progress any further (double immune bleed + poison, and easily accessible heal block). I have two R5 champs (Dr. Doom and Captain America Infinity War) who are no use on this fight. I use my R4 duped Darkhawk. I boosted the **** out of him (30% champion boost, 10% attack boost, health boost, +8% tech special boost). I get in 106 hits before I'm KO, and he's still at 98% health because of his insane regen and my inability to get off anything other than sp1 before my power is drained. I can heal block at sp3, but that's never going to happen with the power drain node.

    I either have to take him to R5 and hope that's enough (I REALLY don't want to R5 him just for one fight knowing that still may not even work), or wait until I get a champ like Sentinel, Iron Man Infinity War, etc.that can better manage the nodes. I have 25 5-star champs and none of them can handle this fight... who knows how long it's going to take me until I pull one who can, then be able to actually rank them up to a high enough level for this fight.
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian

    I could be wrong but I read the attack reduction being more targeted at 6.3 and 6.4

    I just re read it and thats what I gathered from it as well.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    They still said everything is getting scaled down from the top value of 6.4. I'd bet there's a significant drop across the board which is even more disappointing
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian
    So the next dev diary got delayed. Im guessing the ones that were supposed to come after that one will also be delayed?
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