Dev Diary: The Future of Quests



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  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    Haji_Saab said:

    Since people are now dissing the developer of 6.2.5, I have to say my opinion.

    I absolutely loved it. I used champs like Groot, Vulture, Psylocke, Doc Oc and Rogue just because of the gates and I enjoyed it. Looking at the reaction on forum and in LINE chats, we will probably never see a quest like this again. But one can only hope.

    You have to be trolling, no way you solod some of those fights with champs like groot and vulture Psylocke sure, rogue definitely (I took on a lot in that quest With her). With that being said having to revive them just to fight Mordo (not even to possibly use them), was super annoying. The design of the mordo fight was completely atrocious.

    Do not go gentle was bad but not horrible, requires skill that’s fine.

    Tack on special delivery sure
    Add hurt locker, now you’re being stupid
    Add spite, wtf?
    Then you got do not go gentle, that’s where we draw the line.
    And on top of that everyone had to be alive to even have a chance? That’s just crazy.

    If the boss fight was just special delivery OR hurt locker with spite and do not go gentle that’s fine.

    Mordo boss design fight was probably the worst of them all. Right next to champion with no retreat node.

    Honestly the rest of the bosses arent bad, ironman is kinda wacko with improved power gain but it’s cool, mysterio is annoying but do able, darkhawk not horrendous, grandmaster fun, marvel fine. But mordo.. that’s who pissed me off.
    To be fair, they didn't say anything about solos. Every fight in the game doesn't have to be a solo which I think is a mentality that hinders a lot of people personally.

    I think 6.2.5 went a bit too far myself and definitely think at a minimum strength in numbers should be removed from mordo but in general I agree that I actually liked most of the gates. I'm completely aware that I had the luxury of having far more access to 5* champs than most which does skew my outlook as well though. It's just a matter of do you feel it's realistic to expect most players to attain that extensive of a roster to finish content. Unless they address champion acquisition, I'm not sure that it is.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    Haji_Saab said:

    Since people are now dissing the developer of 6.2.5, I have to say my opinion.

    I absolutely loved it. I used champs like Groot, Vulture, Psylocke, Doc Oc and Rogue just because of the gates and I enjoyed it. Looking at the reaction on forum and in LINE chats, we will probably never see a quest like this again. But one can only hope.

    You have to be trolling, no way you solod some of those fights with champs like groot and vulture Psylocke sure, rogue definitely (I took on a lot in that quest With her). With that being said having to revive them just to fight Mordo (not even to possibly use them), was super annoying. The design of the mordo fight was completely atrocious.

    Do not go gentle was bad but not horrible, requires skill that’s fine.

    Tack on special delivery sure
    Add hurt locker, now you’re being stupid
    Add spite, wtf?
    Then you got do not go gentle, that’s where we draw the line.
    And on top of that everyone had to be alive to even have a chance? That’s just crazy.

    If the boss fight was just special delivery OR hurt locker with spite and do not go gentle that’s fine.

    Mordo boss design fight was probably the worst of them all. Right next to champion with no retreat node.

    Honestly the rest of the bosses arent bad, ironman is kinda wacko with improved power gain but it’s cool, mysterio is annoying but do able, darkhawk not horrendous, grandmaster fun, marvel fine. But mordo.. that’s who pissed me off.
    To be fair, they didn't say anything about solos. Every fight in the game doesn't have to be a solo which I think is a mentality that hinders a lot of people personally.

    I think 6.2.5 went a bit too far myself and definitely think at a minimum strength in numbers should be removed from mordo but in general I agree that I actually liked most of the gates. I'm completely aware that I had the luxury of having far more access to 5* champs than most which does skew my outlook as well though. It's just a matter of do you feel it's realistic to expect most players to attain that extensive of a roster to finish content. Unless they address champion acquisition, I'm not sure that it is.
    For me personally I did most of the quest item less outside of the Mordo boss. The boss took me 3 to 4 revives at least every time after I had to use a team revive because of strength in numbers.

    I also waited to do 6.2 exploration after I finished all of 6.3 so my roster was much better by the time I tackled the content. If you have an expansive roster its not the worse thing but I wouldn't personally say it was enjoyable.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,169 ★★★★★
    Can you give an example of reduced attack values @Kabam Miike ? I think people misunderstand. When I go into 6.1.1 there’s a 400% health node and a 200% attack and health. Should we expect that to change to 150% from 200? Or would all values be halved?
  • edited June 2020
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  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    Ebony_Naw said:

    Haji_Saab said:

    Since people are now dissing the developer of 6.2.5, I have to say my opinion.

    I absolutely loved it. I used champs like Groot, Vulture, Psylocke, Doc Oc and Rogue just because of the gates and I enjoyed it. Looking at the reaction on forum and in LINE chats, we will probably never see a quest like this again. But one can only hope.

    I respect your right to like whatever quest design you want, but I'll respectfully have to say that your opinion does not align with my own. The quest itself wasn't really that bad, but mordo is just bad design. Anything that basically forces you to revive champs you're not even going to use on the fight is bad design. They need to get rid of strength in numbers AND either hurt locker or special delivery
    Don't feed the trolls. I understand not hating the quest but to say you got to use Groot, like that is anything to be proud of is not a response to be taken seriously. Maybe if he said King Groot but Groot? C'mon son
    I did use a Groot for the fight against Bleed inducing spiderman starky. Everything I have written is factually correct with no exaggeration.

    May be some people know how to play the game instead of moaning on the forum 24/7?
    I beat 6.2.5 same as you did. I'm not moaning about it just saying that your perspective about using Groot seems trollish. Now if that is genuinely how you feel, awesome.
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  • AbdelazizMahfouzAbdelazizMahfouz Member Posts: 5
    @Kabam Miike will act 6 gates be removed , will you allow 4*s there? will you reduce variants attack values as well?
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  • edited June 2020
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  • Deadlygamer98Deadlygamer98 Member Posts: 743 ★★★
    edited June 2020
    I can’t wait for the boss rush
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  • DannyB01DannyB01 Member Posts: 516 ★★★
    edited June 2020
    Haji_Saab said:

    Abyss initial clear cost me 2480 units which is low cost. But my whole Act 6 exploration costed me 4k units (with 3200 on champion only). So, I am not sure why the same people that love Abyss, hate act 6. The only thing that I can think of is that Abyss allows you to brute force whereas Act 6 is very punishing for brute forcers.

    Those are some very interesting units numbers, guess it highlights how differently people experience the difficulty. I find it pretty suspect that you did 6.2.5 exploration and the entirety of 6.3 and 6.4 exploration for 800 units though. If you could do that, Champion wouldn't have cost 3200 units...did you mean 6.2?

    Ultimately I agree with you and I think Kabam are listening about not making content so narrowly focused on a few champs. I just hope the team deliver against their roadmaps but my expectations couldn't be lower considering what they said about AW versus the map we've been playing on this week. AW roadmap was just a load of lies lol
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  • Capn_DanteCapn_Dante Member Posts: 580 ★★★
    Lostone said:

    kabam Mike. I didn’t read it anywhere because there is too much to read....the 50% penalty of remaining life for drop outs.. it is not fair.. the line drop out is beyond my control.. if the line drops out between my iPad and kabam server ..why should I lose 50% ?.. why doesn’t opponent lose 50%?.. sort it out so it is fair and equitable... at the moment those silly enough to buy health after a drop out are the ones that are really losing..

    Because of "ooo this fight isn't going great... Let me just turn on airplane mode and disconnect real quick and try again"
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  • Capn_DanteCapn_Dante Member Posts: 580 ★★★
    Wozzy101 said:

    Lostone said:

    kabam Mike. I didn’t read it anywhere because there is too much to read....the 50% penalty of remaining life for drop outs.. it is not fair.. the line drop out is beyond my control.. if the line drops out between my iPad and kabam server ..why should I lose 50% ?.. why doesn’t opponent lose 50%?.. sort it out so it is fair and equitable... at the moment those silly enough to buy health after a drop out are the ones that are really losing..

    Because of "ooo this fight isn't going great... Let me just turn on airplane mode and disconnect real quick and try again"
    I’ve had plenty of fights that won’t even connect and lose half of my health without taking a hit. They must be able to do something where if applying the 50% loss of health results in a health pool of 50% then the game understands no fight actually took place and put the health back at 100%.
    How can they tell if someone disconnected or forced their connection to quit? They can't and that would be a big exploit they left in... I agree it would be great to not lose half your health when you disconnect but I don't think it's possible for them to fix that without leaving open a big exploit where people can just quit out if the fight doesn't go well
  • J0eySn0wJ0eySn0w Member Posts: 998 ★★★★
    Lemme wrap up how awesome this is to 50. I really hope everything is executed well, and even if it falls short the team quickly make the needed adjustments. These changes won't come overnight but I hope it's worth the wait. Personally, I've taken a break from alliance activities and will still stay this way. But I'm observing 😎 from a close distance
  • GomezlinkGomezlink Member Posts: 248

    Please Kabam, post the dates when the changes will happen in Act 6, I am stuck in the game with nothing to play, since there is no point in risking something complicated if it will be relieved ...
  • edited July 2020
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  • GomezlinkGomezlink Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2020

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