What content should I complete with units?

Himmy619Himmy619 Member Posts: 48
I have completed upto act 6.2.5 . I managed to get around 8k units. What contents in game should I complte first?

What content should I complete with units? 12 votes

Go for act 6 completion with units
DjinCtuchikBala_riyz01Aayush19 4 votes
Go for abyss completion, have aegon,void and ss.
Lvernon15TimeGenesis 2 votes
Spend my units on July 4 offer.
Anonymous346BrokenKill_GreyChriissRQfuryAouxWoux 6 votes


  • AouxWouxAouxWoux Member Posts: 426 ★★★
    Spend my units on July 4 offer.
    Abyss and act 6 are permanent content. July 4th deals only comes once a year. Go for the july 4th offer and you can do act 6 or abyss anytime.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Go for abyss completion, have aegon,void and ss.
    Wait to have a look at July 4 deals, but the 1 and 4K unit ones generally aren’t that great. I’d definitely go abyss before act 6, you have aegon and sym is also the best mystic for the easy path imo, void handles mephisto just fine so it wouldn’t be too bad, for act 6 it’s best to just wait I’d say
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