Officer Appreciation

Just talking to some buddies this morning and I really think Kabam should do something to appreciate the officers. Being an officer is a lot of work. Recruiting, aq/aw lane coordination, crybabies, etc is daunting and takes a lot of time. I’m not an officer anymore for these reasons. It would be nice to reward those players with a little something extra every so often for the work they do.
More than that though, anyone who is an officer (I am, and have been in my last 3 alliances) CHOOSES to be an officer. If everything that goes with that role is too much, then you’re also free to choose not being an officer.
"Hey you're doing good work, want to help run the alliance?"
It's that's easy.
Some alliances can function well even with one officer as all members are responsive and auto function themselves. Some alliances can’t function well even with 10 officers if free riders and leeching behaviour are not handled well.