Choosing what we display as Alliance Quests and Alliance War Attack and Defense

Just want to clarify, am i correct in assuming that the feature will allow us to pick and choose which champs we want displayed as our top champs for AQ and AW? Cause if i am wrong and the game just shows my top 20 champs which may or may not be completely useless in AQ or AW based on their abilities then it completely defeats the purpose.
**Wonder if game will default to these when you go and select your teams each AQ/AW, or if will still default to your “last used” teams in each case.
But attackers sort of depends on who AQ MiniBoss is each week, and whether or not AQ and AW are overlapping, etc, etc.
As well as Defender list could I guess just let Officers decide WHO should get to put a particular hard defender in place, and tell the others they should use someone else for Diversity instead (without knowing who else you may have below that which you could select instead).
So, seems nice, but not sure it's gonna be as completely useful as what is hoped for.