Small suggestion to make Sentry a viable defender

Hi there, I will keep this short and sweet. Sentry is surprisingly underrated but his kit just doesn't work on defence. To make it work better, I would like to suggest one change.
Instead of his kit working off of his combo, when he is on defence, he should gain each mode depending on the opponent's combo or whoever has the higher combo.
The only issue I can think about is that if the opponent has a 15 hit combo and sentry hits an unblockable special 1, he would immediately lose the bonus damage from his special 1 mode because he would reset his mode cycle because the opponent's combo reset. To counter this he'd probably need to have a slight delay in his mode swap only when defending but I think it would be a small change that would actually make him viable on certain nodes in war.
What are your thoughts on this?
Instead of his kit working off of his combo, when he is on defence, he should gain each mode depending on the opponent's combo or whoever has the higher combo.
The only issue I can think about is that if the opponent has a 15 hit combo and sentry hits an unblockable special 1, he would immediately lose the bonus damage from his special 1 mode because he would reset his mode cycle because the opponent's combo reset. To counter this he'd probably need to have a slight delay in his mode swap only when defending but I think it would be a small change that would actually make him viable on certain nodes in war.
What are your thoughts on this?
Heavies: 34-38k
Sp1: 40-45k
Sp2: 95-115k (No, im not kidding)
This data was all collected from me recording 5 seperate full Realm Of Legends runs, only using sentry, so the data is pretty reliable. No synergies to increase attack other than the Sentry-Champion-Aegon trinity and I didn't count data when the opponents health entered assassin range since I have that mastery.