Void X Cold Turkey

Just wanted to share my experience fighting Void in Alliance War. I can't think of anyone who is immune to Slow, Petrify and Weakness.. maybe Emma Frost is one option? Anyway with Cold Turkey, you take direct damage when you purify a debuff. Every 10 hits in the combo, you purify one of Void's intimidating debuffs on you, so then you take direct damage from Cold Turkey. So if there's a Void on Hazard Shift and Cold Turkey, you need someone who is immune to Slow, Petrify, Weakness, Poison and Incinerate.. (or does shrugging off, e.g. King Groot, count as purification?) The only counter I can think of would be Emma Frost. This node combo is ridiculous, especially if Void is placed. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Just wanted to share my experience fighting Void in Alliance War. I can't think of anyone who is immune to Slow, Petrify and Weakness.. maybe Emma Frost is one option? Anyway with Cold Turkey, you take direct damage when you purify a debuff. Every 10 hits in the combo, you purify one of Void's intimidating debuffs on you, so then you take direct damage from Cold Turkey. So if there's a Void on Hazard Shift and Cold Turkey, you need someone who is immune to Slow, Petrify, Weakness, Poison and Incinerate.. (or does shrugging off, e.g. King Groot, count as purification?) The only counter I can think of would be Emma Frost. This node combo is ridiculous, especially if Void is placed. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
VOID debuffs are not DOT and ghost only avoid damage while phasing with hood. You can't do both hitting 10 times to purify + phase. 😒
Except they are fixing it to clarify that removing the debuffs with the 10th hit isn't a purify