Just another rank up poll help :)

Woody_federWoody_feder Member Posts: 584 ★★
Ok so I have 9 champions at the 5* r5 power level. None of which are mystic! So I am thinking I need to represent the purple class a little.
What I have now:
1 Aegon sig 200
2. Cap IW sig 200
3. Domino sig 140
4. Venom the duck sig 40
5. Venom sig 60
6. Colossus sig 60
7. Human torch sig 11
8. 6* thing sig 0
9. Sentinel sig 40

With these champs at rank 5 who would you rank from the mystic class and why?

Just another rank up poll help :) 38 votes

5* Magic sig 80
YoMovesAnonymous346WeeaeaAnthinhoPaddoThicco_ModeBonzodavidMasterpuffOmedennLucifer1810_hbtygbty423_Thanks_D19Cloudwalker 13 votes
5* sym supreme sig 0
PantherusNZAjisdopeOesername123ReferenceZombieZeddCowboyschamploo1DoubleDeltaPřìņče01StellanRoman4544ChikelCeltic1981 12 votes
5* longshot
RoOOtsLordRaymond3X_Factor_AgentMidnite93Sarvanga1_Doctor_Strange194dlai 7 votes
6* hood sig 20
Wait for doom...
manveertherealKRANꓘCaptainGameXguard77Aayush19Princenayarw 6 votes
Don’t rank 5* they are obsolete


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  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,286 ★★★★
    5* Magic sig 80
    Magik's not a 6* yet. As of the moment this is an extremely safe rankup. Sym doesn't need his dupe, but he's also slightly more niche than Magik, who can slot in and fight nearly anyone she wants with enough practice.
  • manveertherealmanveerthereal Member Posts: 1,363 ★★★
    Wait for doom...
    If ya cant wait magik
  • Thanks_D19Thanks_D19 Member Posts: 1,480 ★★★★
    5* Magic sig 80
    Sym is much more niche than magik overall so I like magik more
  • PaddoPaddo Member Posts: 90
    5* Magic sig 80
    I would say Magik of Symbiot. Longshot would also be a great choice but doesn't have power control, wich I think is something you miss in your current max ranked 5 stars.

    I would never just wait for one champion.. I've been hoping for Ghost forever but if I wouldn't rank up my other techs in the mean time I wouldn't progress.
  • Woody_federWoody_feder Member Posts: 584 ★★
    Wow thanks for all the feedback I didn’t realize longshot was considered niche. I thought he was good in almost every scenario outside of incinerate immune and stun immune. Is there a reason he is considered more niche than sym supreme? (Who I thought was the most niche..)
  • BonzodavidBonzodavid Member Posts: 586 ★★★
    5* Magic sig 80
    Both long-shot and sym supreme are equally niche. They both need opponents with buffs to be really great (although they are also great otherwise).All of your options (except hood) are great. I would reccomend magik, since she is one of the best (if not the best) power control champions in the game, something your roste needs
  • 4dlai4dlai Member Posts: 250
    5* longshot
    I agree with double delta
  • Woody_federWoody_feder Member Posts: 584 ★★
    Thanks for all of your comments and votes. I went with magic

  • Woody_federWoody_feder Member Posts: 584 ★★
    Thanks for all of your comments and votes. I went with magic

  • Woody_federWoody_feder Member Posts: 584 ★★
    Thanks for all of your comments and votes. I went with magic

  • BonzodavidBonzodavid Member Posts: 586 ★★★
    5* Magic sig 80

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