AQ Human Torch armour break immune?

Could you explain to me, is there any reason behind why second mini boss (Human Torch) in current AQ is armour break immune?
Due to I am not so lucky in champion lottery and I haven't got privilege to get good AQ HT counter so I tried to use Yondu due to his heal block and armour break abbilities (HT is bleed immune as per node). I was very surprised that he is armour break immune also. I could not find any info about his armour break immunities in node or champion description. Can you clarify that?

Could you explain to me, is there any reason behind why second mini boss (Human Torch) in current AQ is armour break immune?
Due to I am not so lucky in champion lottery and I haven't got privilege to get good AQ HT counter so I tried to use Yondu due to his heal block and armour break abbilities (HT is bleed immune as per node). I was very surprised that he is armour break immune also. I could not find any info about his armour break immunities in node or champion description. Can you clarify that?
