Amigos Con Queso (CH€€Z) LF1 to join 34M, 10k prestige, Map5 focused alliance

We’re looking for one more to join Amigos Con Queso (CH€€Z). We’re a 34M strong alliance with 10k prestige made up of mature players who’ve stepped back from more rigorous game content. We run 55555x3 with mods scoring 250-260M. 2 BG optional AW allows for people to rotate in/out. Alliance was rebooted prior to season 18 so difficulty / reward tier expected to rise.
We’re US-based but have members across multiple time zones. Must be active and communicate. Line required. Lvl 60 / Cav / >9k prestige preferred.
Reach out to me on Line (oolaboola) or in game (Oola Boola) if interested.
We’re US-based but have members across multiple time zones. Must be active and communicate. Line required. Lvl 60 / Cav / >9k prestige preferred.
Reach out to me on Line (oolaboola) or in game (Oola Boola) if interested.