[Top Attackers vs Profile Screen] Same champions, different PI

Device and Version: Samsung S8
Device Operating System: Android 9
Game Version Installed: 27.2.0
Game Mode: Viewing Top Attackers or Defenders from a profile page
Description of the Issue:
When viewing a champion from the Top Attackers/Defenders/AQ from another user, the PI are lower than what they are shown to be when viewing the same champion directly from the profile page of same user.
Example :
Here's Hyperion as seen directly from the profile page of someone from my ally, PI here is 12010

Here's the same Hyperion seen from his Top Attackers selection of champions, PI is lower, 9419

EDIT : seeing the different health and attack values, maybe the masteries are involved ?
Device Operating System: Android 9
Game Version Installed: 27.2.0
Game Mode: Viewing Top Attackers or Defenders from a profile page
Description of the Issue:
When viewing a champion from the Top Attackers/Defenders/AQ from another user, the PI are lower than what they are shown to be when viewing the same champion directly from the profile page of same user.
Example :
Here's Hyperion as seen directly from the profile page of someone from my ally, PI here is 12010

Here's the same Hyperion seen from his Top Attackers selection of champions, PI is lower, 9419

EDIT : seeing the different health and attack values, maybe the masteries are involved ?