Changing Team For Abyss Cause Of Mastery Setup:

King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
edited July 2020 in General Discussion
My first team for Abyss was Aegon, Colossus,Omega red, Claire and Ghost Rider.But building mastery setup was painfull.But few days ago I got Sorcerer Supreme who I believe don't need suicides.So after thinking alot and re-editing the team I came to this conclusion.

Claire for only mephisto and last 15% of IMIW cause I my mastery setup for Claire is not ready to use her in Abyss.

Sorcerer Supreme for Medusa,Hyperion,VTD,CMM,Champion,Mordo,Loki,AEGON and Cull obsidian.

Aegon, Colossus and Omega(I will be using omega red mostly for every fight).


  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    omega without suicides?
  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★

    omega without suicides?

    @lowlevelplayer Omega only as synergy.
  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    edited July 2020
    Instead of colossus wrote omega accidentally.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Does sorcerer has enough damage? Or are you going to spam slow? Do you think colossus is better then aegon?
    Also, I took bwcv without suicides, and her biggest impact was guilty soul synergy, nor duped 6* void was a lot more effective for mephisto
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    Have fun fun burning through units, let us know how it goes.

    You say OR for most fights, but you better have Ægon at 999 for the final fight. Once ramped up Ægon makes quite a few fights easy. Save your lvl 1 revives for those fights and the easy ones can be done with 2 revives.
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    You can use Aegon for Loki!
    Oh and if you dont use suicides use Aegon vs Aegon.

    I actuly think all champs aside from Aegon are a waste. Ofc you can parry heavy your way through AOL but its very stressfull since you have to parry for every heavy.

    If you have the focus go for it.

    But your Claire matchups sound horrible. I would say better have 5k units rdy.

    I dont know if SorcererS has enough damage for AoL.
  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    Seraphion said:

    You can use Aegon for Loki!
    Oh and if you dont use suicides use Aegon vs Aegon.

    I actuly think all champs aside from Aegon are a waste. Ofc you can parry heavy your way through AOL but its very stressfull since you have to parry for every heavy.

    If you have the focus go for it.

    But your Claire matchups sound horrible. I would say better have 5k units rdy.

    I dont know if SorcererS has enough damage for AoL.

    @Seraphion Not doing abyss for the first time.2nd thing Like I said this abyss completion on my 2nd account is all about testing sorcerer supeme and colossus.

    Claire is only for mephisto cause do don't have Suicides.

    Yes sorcerer supeme has alot of damage.Yesterday I did 100 to 120K damage on my sp2.Her mediums were hitting like 8K.I bet she is only made to do long fights like abyss and act 6.

    The only thing I want to try is Colossus vs Collector.Now that is the thing I want to test.

    Aegon is just a backup option for collector I will be using sorcerer supeme and Colossus for 90% of run.
  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    @Aleor Yes sorcerer supeme has alot of damage.I will be using armor breaks with sorcerer supeme.Colossus is not better than AEGON utility wise but damage wise yes with omega red synergy colossus is better, but only damage wise.And yes Claire will work good Against that mephisto.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    With omega? I could see that coming with omega and Emma maybe, but even then with 200 hits cap not sure about that in a long run. I belive Colossus have pretty low crit rate, isn't he?
    Quite surprised to hear that about sorcerer.
    Don't have any of them as 5* sadly. So would appreciate vids of your abyss gameplay a lot, unfortunately didn't make any myself
  • AsIsGrassAsIsGrass Member Posts: 48
    Seraphion said:

    You can use Aegon for Loki!
    Oh and if you dont use suicides use Aegon vs Aegon.

    I actuly think all champs aside from Aegon are a waste. Ofc you can parry heavy your way through AOL but its very stressfull since you have to parry for every heavy.

    If you have the focus go for it.

    But your Claire matchups sound horrible. I would say better have 5k units rdy.

    I dont know if SorcererS has enough damage for AoL.

    Parrying is stressful? I wish I could parry in LOL
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    AsIsGrass said:

    Seraphion said:

    You can use Aegon for Loki!
    Oh and if you dont use suicides use Aegon vs Aegon.

    I actuly think all champs aside from Aegon are a waste. Ofc you can parry heavy your way through AOL but its very stressfull since you have to parry for every heavy.

    If you have the focus go for it.

    But your Claire matchups sound horrible. I would say better have 5k units rdy.

    I dont know if SorcererS has enough damage for AoL.

    Parrying is stressful? I wish I could parry in LOL
    If you do it non stop for over 6 houres it is.
    If you only do parry heavy you can use SL. He can solo a lot of fights that way.
  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    Seraphion said:

    AsIsGrass said:

    Seraphion said:

    You can use Aegon for Loki!
    Oh and if you dont use suicides use Aegon vs Aegon.

    I actuly think all champs aside from Aegon are a waste. Ofc you can parry heavy your way through AOL but its very stressfull since you have to parry for every heavy.

    If you have the focus go for it.

    But your Claire matchups sound horrible. I would say better have 5k units rdy.

    I dont know if SorcererS has enough damage for AoL.

    Parrying is stressful? I wish I could parry in LOL
    If you do it non stop for over 6 houres it is.
    If you only do parry heavy you can use SL. He can solo a lot of fights that way.
    @Seraphion You are the First who is saying that parrying is stressfully like you didn't parry when you use torch,doom, Symbiote Supreme,MS etc You are talking like you did Abyss with only intercepts.

    I can bet you have parried many times in all fights your statement is not making any sense.How is parry stressful?
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★

    Seraphion said:

    AsIsGrass said:

    Seraphion said:

    You can use Aegon for Loki!
    Oh and if you dont use suicides use Aegon vs Aegon.

    I actuly think all champs aside from Aegon are a waste. Ofc you can parry heavy your way through AOL but its very stressfull since you have to parry for every heavy.

    If you have the focus go for it.

    But your Claire matchups sound horrible. I would say better have 5k units rdy.

    I dont know if SorcererS has enough damage for AoL.

    Parrying is stressful? I wish I could parry in LOL
    If you do it non stop for over 6 houres it is.
    If you only do parry heavy you can use SL. He can solo a lot of fights that way.
    @Seraphion You are the First who is saying that parrying is stressfully like you didn't parry when you use torch,doom, Symbiote Supreme,MS etc You are talking like you did Abyss with only intercepts.

    I can bet you have parried many times in all fights your statement is not making any sense.How is parry stressful?
    I see what you mean.

    If you use a champ that only uses parry-heavy you will parry x 4 times more than in a normal fight bc in a normal fight with lets say SS you also bait SPs and go in after.

    With Aegon even better. You dont need to parry at all after 999 combo.

    Go into LOL with domino trinity. Do the first 3 easy fights but only use parry-heavy. You will lose focus a lot faster than just doing normal combos.

    I did Mephisto, Mordo and Joe with Void. I only did Parry M (+Sp1) the whole fight to max the damage/hit. After a while it became very tiring. I was happy when I was done with my last Void fight (Joe Fixit).

    I could do normal combos with Doom and Aegon again. Doing that for all 20 fights would be so annoying.

    If you dont have ultra focus you will do a lot of mistakes which will cost a lot more than just bursting it down with Aegon.
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★★
    I am interested in how your Abyss run turns out.
    I am considering a similar Aegon-less team of Colossus + OR + BWCV + Corvus + Void.

    Who are you using against IMIW and Invisible Woman?
  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    edited July 2020
    altavista said:

    I am interested in how your Abyss run turns out.
    I am considering a similar Aegon-less team of Colossus + OR + BWCV + Corvus + Void.

    Who are you using against IMIW and Invisible Woman?

    @altavista Colossus for IMIW(re parry heavy trick), colossus is Tanky IMIW block attacks will literally do no damage. Planning to use Omega red on Invisible Women.But I think colossus will also work great against Invisible Women.
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★★

    altavista said:

    I am interested in how your Abyss run turns out.
    I am considering a similar Aegon-less team of Colossus + OR + BWCV + Corvus + Void.

    Who are you using against IMIW and Invisible Woman?

    @altavista Colossus for IMIW(re parry heavy trick), colossus is Tanky IMIW block attacks will literally do no damage. Planning to use Omega red on Invisible Women.But I think colossus will also work great against Invisible Women.
    Thanks. I remember fighting IMIW in Act 6.3, where that last 15% was super annoying to get him down since Arc Overload and his sig ability meant having to constantly evade his specials. At least that node isn't present here. Will have to practice re-parry on IMIW.
  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    altavista said:

    altavista said:

    I am interested in how your Abyss run turns out.
    I am considering a similar Aegon-less team of Colossus + OR + BWCV + Corvus + Void.

    Who are you using against IMIW and Invisible Woman?

    @altavista Colossus for IMIW(re parry heavy trick), colossus is Tanky IMIW block attacks will literally do no damage. Planning to use Omega red on Invisible Women.But I think colossus will also work great against Invisible Women.
    Thanks. I remember fighting IMIW in Act 6.3, where that last 15% was super annoying to get him down since Arc Overload and his sig ability meant having to constantly evade his specials. At least that node isn't present here. Will have to practice re-parry on IMIW.
    @altavista plus keep another thing in mind you are using corvus as well.Mutant charge from omega,tech from ghost, auto block charge from IMIW.If you are not good with re parry corvus with boosts will also tear IMIW apart there is a video on Reddit you can watch.And after defeating IMIW Corvus will also have avenger charge.
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