A Somewhat Unique Rank Up, But A Fun One Nonetheless

Well I did it. I took Storm X to R5. I know a lot of people were disappointed in her, but let me say this. I haven’t had this much fun with a champion in ages. I would honestly say she is better than Havok, in fact I have a Havok at R4 that I took her up over.
She can consistently hit 140k SP3’s as well as having a boatload of niche utility. In a fairly developed roster like mine, niche utility is what I’m looking for. Not mention just the fun aspect of the rank up.
In my opinion, people sleep on her because the only rotation you see used is either SP2’s or SP3 then SP2. This is not a good rotation for her. Because yes, her crit rate absolutely sucks. And she’s also incredibly flimsy. Although with the Act 6 nerf this might be less of an issue.
I’ve had an interesting relationship with this champion. I missed her in her first 4* featured arena, landing somewhere around 820, which stung. But I bounced back and got rank 25 in her second round. Took her straight to R5 as a 4* and had a lot of fun playing a round with her.
So when this featured came out, she was the primary reason I opened it. On my first crystal, as some of you may have seen, it rolled over from her to a cyclops, my 5th time getting him. That stung. But much like bouncing back in the second round of arena, I got her from my second featured crystal a few days ago. A day later she was R5.
Anyway, just wanted to brag a bit and share some of my thoughts on this champion. If anyone does pull her from this featured or in some other way, don’t sleep on her. Try an SP3 rotation. You might be pleasantly surprised.
I just got tigra, BWDO, and sorceress yesterday. I'm getting them to r5 as soon as I can as well
And I'm definitely in the boat of ranking for fun. Thats why my latest 6* R2 was Hulkbuster. Lots of folks seem to still not be impressed after his buff, but I find it a blast to just pound away with him now. Hulkbuster, Storm X, my 5/65 BWDO...these are the champs that have been a real joy to play, so they are the rank ups I chose.
Her crit rate is too low to rely on the SP2 for big damage. Imagine playing her like Havok.
And congrats on your Hulkbuster and White Widow. Hoping for a White Widow myself, would easily take her to R5, I love playing the 4*
Some people may not have had the opportunity to pull a storm X before she just got in the basic. So they will search to see results.