Should i use my generic 5 star AG?

got a 5* awaken gem from the fourth July deals. Debating whether to use or save it. Here's some of my 5 star champs.
Domino, clair voyant, hood, IW iron man, cull obsi, proxima midn, vulture, black panther, storm, magik, sentinel, doc oc, gwenpool, kill monger, iceman and star lord.
I know thats a lot to read! I would appreciate any help idk whether to just save it for a god tier champ that needs awakening or use it. (I have a 5* science awakening gem too but saving for void or IW cap)
Domino, clair voyant, hood, IW iron man, cull obsi, proxima midn, vulture, black panther, storm, magik, sentinel, doc oc, gwenpool, kill monger, iceman and star lord.
I know thats a lot to read! I would appreciate any help idk whether to just save it for a god tier champ that needs awakening or use it. (I have a 5* science awakening gem too but saving for void or IW cap)