It just don’t add up?(AW)!

DeelivesDeelives Member Posts: 16
Is it me or AW doesn’t add up! Our last war was victory by a landslide but the previous we lost by a little but get this...? We had 9 to their 10 members playing we beat their final boss 3 hours before they cleared ours. We have more defense kill but they won by clearing more of our map? I’m like WTF! Can someone tell me what is going on? How is this possible



  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian
    It does add up. Just read it again.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    What’s the issue? You get points for exploration and also for attack bonus which you can’t get from uncleared nodes
  • Soyheyor123Soyheyor123 Member Posts: 395 ★★
    I don't see anything weird here.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,793 Guardian
    (A) Can’t compared one war versus the other when such a huge difference in Explore between the 2 wars.

    (B) on the war you lost, you had huge amount of unexplored (missed) nodes. At least 7 missed defenders, as well as probably some other “Empty” nodes because they were missing some defender spots. ALL of those (times 3) counted for huge difference in Attack Bonus in their favor that you failed to accumulate in Attack Bonus points.

    (C) if you beat their boss well before they beat yours (which doesn’t matter, by the way), how is it you failed to explore the rest of the map ?

    (D) oh, and they also had higher Diversity (again, points) even though they had 5 less defenders on the map. You must have placed a lot of Dup's.
  • K00shMaanK00shMaan Member Posts: 1,289 ★★★★
    @Deelives Absolutely everything adds up here. You need to do a little more research and understanding about how points are awarded. The scoreboard shows you exactly how this works.

    To address a couple of your points specifically:

    1) War is not a race. There are no points awarded for a speedrun. It would be unfair to people in certain timezones.

    2) you had less people place for war which led to less points for defender diversity.

    3) you gave their alliance extra points by leaving defender alive as well as hurting your score by not getting those exploration or attack bonus points.
  • DeelivesDeelives Member Posts: 16
    Yeah maybe!
  • DeelivesDeelives Member Posts: 16
    At first I was thinking I g you guys might be right but you should always go with your gut feeling!
    You still think this is evenly matched?
    Don’t care what you say if it’s you then you’ll have the gripe but since its me you can say why you want!
    I’m not dumb not my match is wrong

  • DeelivesDeelives Member Posts: 16

    Silver vs. bronze
  • DeelivesDeelives Member Posts: 16
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    No problem going on here at all
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,793 Guardian
    @Deelives , your original post about “not adding up” was assumed to be about how the points in the war were not adding up correctly as to how you could have lost. Clearly it was from a lack of Explore %, so opponent had much more Attack Bonus by beating more of your defenders, as well as points they got for you leaving some of their defenders up.

    And those were prior to the new Matchmaking by WR system that has since started with the beginning of the new season,

    If you meant that the matches themselves were mismatched (as now they might be for a while with new season, see other thread you have since found now), that didn’t come thru in initial post.
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  • K00shMaanK00shMaan Member Posts: 1,289 ★★★★
    edited July 2020
    @Deelives no system for war matchmaking is ever going to be perfect. The flaw with using War Rating exclusively is that newer alliances will steamroll everyone in their path until they start nearing the rating where they should be. Everyone's rating was halved to speed up this process. They could maybe combat this by having a 'placement' phase for new alliances so that their first X wars will have a boosted effect on war rating but this is what Kabam chose and it will unfortunately have frustrating matchups for lower level alliances for some time.
  • LordTenzenLordTenzen Member Posts: 136
    Since we are on topic. I was wondering if someone could tell me what I am seeing here? I know there a million threads on this right now but maybe someone can explain.
    It looks like we matched based on the war rating, but clearly the teams are mismatched in terms of strength. Does that mean that our alliance was overrated last season? Or were they super under-rated last season? Just trying to wrap my little noodle around this.

  • LordTenzenLordTenzen Member Posts: 136
    Also first war this season.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,793 Guardian

    Since we are on topic. I was wondering if someone could tell me what I am seeing here? I know there a million threads on this right now but maybe someone can explain.
    It looks like we matched based on the war rating, but clearly the teams are mismatched in terms of strength. Does that mean that our alliance was overrated last season? Or were they super under-rated last season? Just trying to wrap my little noodle around this.

    Yes, and Yes. Both.
    Silver 3 for relative new Ally of yours, under 2m rating, basically only had to fight similar low rated Ally’s in previous seasons, so we’re able to move up past Bronze and into Silver range. Especially if you only ran 1 BG (so only 1 BG's worth of points) in previous seasons Silver-1 would have been too high.

    Opponent, even if they were that high of rating previously, probably a very relaxed/casual, maybe only 1 BG wars. They were kept lower having to fight other strong/casual teams (even way down there). Or were a re-built team so very little War Rating resuming this season.

    New system this season matches just by War Rating, so over time those casual Ally’s with strong champs will not be able to stay way down in Bronze (or even low Silver) anymore. And yours will move down with losses to those higher teams.
  • K00shMaanK00shMaan Member Posts: 1,289 ★★★★
    edited July 2020
    @LordTenzen You'll never really know unless you ask the the other alliance why their war rating is what it is. The other alliance may have just added new recruits to boost their rating. They may have tanked a season. They may not participate in war all that often and are just checking out the new map. War tends to be a little easier the less Battlegroups you do so maybe the other alliance dropped from 3 to 1. And, maybe, you were overperforming. All that matters is Kabam was able to find an alliance with an 828 war rating and one with an 830 war rating enlist for a war so you guys were matched. That is what they're trying for the new matchmaking system. It will take time to have everyone end up where they belong.

    P.S. they finished Stone 2 last season so they obviously weren't trying very hard in war. They obviously didn't even run 12 wars to get so few points.
  • LordTenzenLordTenzen Member Posts: 136
    Cool thanks! So, a few more questions come to mind then..
    Will the war ratings basically be win/loss records and it'll all settle after a season? And if so, will continuing to participate in war this season help the system calculate better? Or can I just wait till next season when its all balanced and stuff?
  • LordTenzenLordTenzen Member Posts: 136
    Thanks to both you guys missed the first one there. OK so if I get this then the war rating as usual builds by wins (and even sometimes close losses), so it seems like as long as we participate, we'll end up where we should be, but if we take a break and go in next season, we'll still need to adjust or start from the bottom because staying out this season will drop our rating.
    I think maybe I'm getting it..
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    Cool thanks! So, a few more questions come to mind then..
    Will the war ratings basically be win/loss records and it'll all settle after a season? And if so, will continuing to participate in war this season help the system calculate better? Or can I just wait till next season when its all balanced and stuff?

    Continuing to participate will be a better choice. In this way, your war rating will be balanced together with everyone else.

    On the other hand, if you were to skip war entirely, your ratings might be too high/low in the overall picture, and the balancing will come eventually when you start wars again.
  • LordTenzenLordTenzen Member Posts: 136
    edited July 2020
    Lol sorry man I jumped the gun and answered my own question! Thanks for the reply! Glad to get the confirmation!
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    You’re welcome. Always glad to help (when asked nicely 😂).
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    Looks good to me. Even match war rating 660
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,172 ★★★★★
    Guess what...for months, your alliance has been given rewards it didn’t deserve because Kabam matched alliances based on prestige. As our alliance has ascended to the top 500 in AQ and our prestige has skyrocketed, we’ve gradually backslid in war to ridiculous depths. We’ve been paired against two different groups with 4m ratings who were gold 3 last season. They’ve got 4-star defenders and attackers below 3/45. Not a single 5/65 champ in the bunch. Apparently they’re very good players, so please don’t take this as a jab at them, but they don’t deserve better rewards for the past however many seasons they’ve enjoyed against inferior competition.
  • LordTenzenLordTenzen Member Posts: 136
    I'm going show my ignorance here once again, but how is matching with prestige bad? Or how can it be bad? Is the prestige number too inflated or something? Sorry if this seems like a dumb overbeaten question..
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,144 ★★★★★

    I'm going show my ignorance here once again, but how is matching with prestige bad? Or how can it be bad? Is the prestige number too inflated or something? Sorry if this seems like a dumb overbeaten question..

    Just because you have high prestige doesnt automatically make you skilled fighters. You can rake up anyone with high prestige but that doesnt mean you know how to fight with them. That's what war rating is for. If you win it goes up. If you lose it goes down. Quite simply the best way to match wars.
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