2021 BUFF wishlist; Who do you hope gets a buff next?

BedStuyBedStuy Member Posts: 52
Well.. we know Hulkbuster just went live, and he's amazing. Magneto is next, along with Gambit, Falcon etc. For 2020

But who would you like to see for 2021?


  • LunaeLunae Member Posts: 371 ★★★
    Ultrons, Green Gobs, the Ironmans with Iron Patriot and War Machine (Proton Cannon lol?),

    Bishop, Cable, Cyclopes, Deadpool X-Force (Sword wielding please)

    Ant-Man, OG Spidey and Sym Spidey, Sentry (take rng out of stages)

    Doctor Strange, Dorm, Mephisto, Juggernaut

    Loki, Groot, OG Thor with Rags, Phoenix, Venompool, Carnage (so close to being op just needs some utility)

    Masacre and Punisher
  • BedStuyBedStuy Member Posts: 52
    • Thanos; shouldn't he be one of the best champs on the game? He should have full immunity, stun immune or something. Make him the best at one thing. Anything....

    Best crit rate
    Best crit damage
    Most immunity
    Best regen
    Best heal power
    Best power drain/power control
    Best power gain
    Largest health bar + physical resistance
    Best nullifyer
    Or best degen
    Super slow power gain, but his sp3 takes 75% of the opponents health.

    • OG Black Panther; shrug off debuffs, maybe a new exclusive debuff. Vibranium poisoning after a special 3 sort of how Archangel works

    • OG Spider-Man; increase in evade, and higher crit rate and damage.

    • Abomination desperately needs one. His special attacks does absolutely NOTHING! Lol there isn't a listing for it.

    • Red Skull

    • Vulture
  • BedStuyBedStuy Member Posts: 52
    Lunae said:

    Ultrons, Green Gobs, the Ironmans with Iron Patriot and War Machine (Proton Cannon lol?),

    Bishop, Cable, Cyclopes, Deadpool X-Force (Sword wielding please)

    Ant-Man, OG Spidey and Sym Spidey, Sentry (take rng out of stages)

    Doctor Strange, Dorm, Mephisto, Juggernaut

    Loki, Groot, OG Thor with Rags, Phoenix, Venompool, Carnage (so close to being op just needs some utility)

    Masacre and Punisher

    proton cannon!!!! Lolol
    If you know, you know.....
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