We have 2 spots coming up in our Alliance for active Map5 players. We are pushing for 5x5 over the next few weeks in 1 Bg so need a couple who can handle day4/5 with ease... our other 2 Bg currently run 55544. We only run 1 Bg Wars so no pressure to join or jump in and out as you want.
We use Line for comms and have a nice family vibe about the ally, very little drama just a good bunch of people wanting to play a little bit of champs!
My ingame and Line is twistedcowgirl if interested...
Most are US players but anyone is welcome as long as your active!
We have 2 spots coming up in our Alliance for active Map5 players. We are pushing for 5x5 over the next few weeks in 1 Bg so need a couple who can handle day4/5 with ease...
our other 2 Bg currently run 55544.
We only run 1 Bg Wars so no pressure to join or jump in and out as you want.
We use Line for comms and have a nice family vibe about the ally, very little drama just a good bunch of people wanting to play a little bit of champs!
My ingame and Line is twistedcowgirl if interested...
Most are US players but anyone is welcome as long as your active!
This would be in our 55544 BG.