Hello Warrior!

Welcome to the Revolution! I see you received a pamphlet that Korg printed out for us. I told Korg it wasn't only his mom and her boyfriend that would show up. In terms of the quick info: We are an easy going, but organized group (25+ MIL ALLY). Running AQ Map 4 and AW Gold 1-2, Tier 5-6 (We've been yo-yo'ing between Gold 1 and Gold 2 and the relative tiers associated at that level). We have no event minimums, but hope you can contribute if you have time. No donations!

As the pamphlet says, the Marvels Dimwits are recruiting. We have some very experienced players with us keeping things organized with the emphasis on a fun game-to-life balance. Some of us have 5+ years of experience doing things in MCoC. So, you ask, why not just grind it out if you have a big account?! To some, work or family obligations happened. For others, it was just trying to find a balance between playing this game and having a life. We just can't fit on the hardcore grinding and coordination required for and want to stay in that sweet spot that allows us to have fun and enjoy the game.

We use Line for communication, and that's a must. Another must is AQ/AW participation, you need to join, move and fight, we don't expect everyone to be a hot shot player but everyone has to contribute on the team modes to the best of his/her ability. Our alliance has grown so we need players having at least a 500+ PI.

Do you think you might be a good fit? You're unsure this is the type of Alliance you want? Reach out to us and find out, contact me on Line: ghoggolf (GroundHog's Line ID) and send a profile pic. We'll setup a meet & greet chat room with you and you can ask any questions you want, and we'll ask some of our own as well.

In the meantime, have fun!

Cheers, TheGroundHog (Line ID: ghoggolf)
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