Android animations

This is something I JUST notice after playing the game for more than a year
Does Android and iOS have different animations?
I have a samsung S10
And O was checking youtube videos and just noticed that there are animations within iOS using Ghost's and Ant man's specials that doesn't appear in my Android
Also the rain has nice kind-of blur in iOS and not in Android
Is there anything i need to tweak? or this is the way the game it is?
(Double checked about performance settings, all are at high performance)
Does Android and iOS have different animations?
I have a samsung S10
And O was checking youtube videos and just noticed that there are animations within iOS using Ghost's and Ant man's specials that doesn't appear in my Android
Also the rain has nice kind-of blur in iOS and not in Android
Is there anything i need to tweak? or this is the way the game it is?
(Double checked about performance settings, all are at high performance)
I would guess it has to do with processing/graphics speed. But shouldn’t an S10 be new/fast enough as to not have issues ??