Tuesday is the only day with no war phase and only 5 out of 8 AQ are affected by maintenance . After next AQ round update, timers will be 45 mins and you should have no issue with maintenance. As is, if you’re not finishing because of scheduled maintenance, your alliance members are the problem.
its the only day that never has AW. would your prefer maintenance happen during AW? its pretty darn easy to plan around / make do with a few hours down time. jeez.....
most things that are scheduled always happen on the same days of the week. just makes sense. i mean it is the reason they designed AW to have the day off on tues/wed and scheduled maintenance for that time. a couple hours downtime is only a small inconvenience and is easily worked around. its really not a big deal. move as close as possible before it and your energy will not be anwhere near full when its over. if you can't handle missing 2 hours of game time i think you have an addiction issue.
Going on 6 years now. 6 years and we still have posts like this. It's been the same day and same time for nearly 6 freaking years.
This is the best time frame which has the smallest impact on the game for them to do maintenance. Plus it's only 2 hrs long. Rarely does it ever exceed 2 hours. They send you notifications 1 week ahead of time and a couple days ahead of time to let you know.
its pretty darn easy to plan around / make do with a few hours down time. jeez.....
just makes sense.
i mean it is the reason they designed AW to have the day off on tues/wed and scheduled maintenance for that time.
a couple hours downtime is only a small inconvenience and is easily worked around. its really not a big deal. move as close as possible before it and your energy will not be anwhere near full when its over.
if you can't handle missing 2 hours of game time i think you have an addiction issue.
This is the best time frame which has the smallest impact on the game for them to do maintenance. Plus it's only 2 hrs long. Rarely does it ever exceed 2 hours. They send you notifications 1 week ahead of time and a couple days ahead of time to let you know.
Thank you for your time.