Silver Surfer: Is he a dud? - self promotion warning

A lot of you know that I love silver surfer, and that I think he is a great champ. Here is my video on surfer.
Warning: I use a face-cam in the video. You might not ever take me seriously again.
Warning: I use a face-cam in the video. You might not ever take me seriously again.

stayed for the face
lol I'm not creepy please don't report me it was a joke I'm sorry I'm not weird
but great gameplay
The fact is he really can't stand a competition with other cosmics. There are very good cosmic champions that helps you get things done in better way example venom,hype,Medusa,Corvus,CMM,VTD. Summoners don't use him because he is not useful they don't use him cause rest of Cosmic champions get the job done.
I'll just wait for the Tune-Up or Update.
At the very least he should get a damage boost so that becomes the draw in using him. There are plenty of champions in the game like Starlord and Proxima who players hardly use despite their capability to dish out massive amounts of damage due to lack of utility and imo Surfer even sits below them, both who I don’t think need any buffs because at least they have their damage.
It’s not because his damage isn’t good, it’s just because his rotation or utility for me doesn’t justify his use outside of the random urge to play him. I’ve said in the past that he’s Phoenix and Sentry tier and the assumption is that I mean he’s meme tier, but I don’t. I think they’re fun champions with decent damage, but that’s all they are which is why no one talks about them and Surfer won’t fair any better just because of the little utility he has.
If he going to have a thing it should be big damage over decent damage and little utility because as he is now he gets overshadowed by other champions who either have big damage or more utility, even both (top tier cosmics), all the while demanding a lot less then his play style. I don’t think he’s underrated, he’s long past “overlooked” to being forgotten and this is only going to get worse the better champions Kabam releases. If he was as simple to play and maintain as the other cosmics then his damage would be fine, hell even if he just had more utility I wouldn’t be so critical of him. As he is now he either needs more utility or more damage and then he could be a champion I could really get excited about.
Is Agent Venom such an lesser champion just because he can shrug off debuffs and is anti evade versus Surfer who has coldsnap, shock, incinerate resistance and is anti miss? Marginally at most. Random example, but it’s the one that popped into my head.
I spent just about all weekend playing him and testing him out with different synergies and I have to say, he is probably on my top 5 favorite characters to play both animation and concept wise. Everything about him is so smooth and the concept of his kit works really well and flows with the rhythm of battle. This being said, unfortunately I’m a bit let down with what I can produce with this character.
I believe after a bunch of trial and error, the best rotation I have found is this:
Immediately: Heavy/phase to generate power gain, this will speed up the following process.
Next: Attack until sp1 is available and use it when amor or fury is available in power cosmic. This will reset power gain.
Next: Repeat previous step until this time the opposite buff that you choose pops up. Activate sp1 to consume that now granting you 2 fury, 2 armor and refreshing power gain.
The final step: Build up sp3 using your heavy/phase to activate power gain as needed to refresh and keep all buffs active. (Power gain falls off twice as fast, so only keep one on at a time so when you activate it, it always is unique, argo, refreshing all the other buffs) Use Sp3 and enjoy.
At this point, if everything was followed appropriately, your energy burst damage from all your buffs should be decent and your just using your heavy to proct power gain to refresh everything while you go trigger happy on (now) unblockable sp2s.
Useful synergies:
Doctor Strange: Shorter power cosmic cool down (makes timing of power gain activations easier).
Hiendall + Guillotine : An extra buff for more energy damage.
The Problem:
This rotation is so brutally difficult to keep up. Literally if anything goes wrong, it’s over, plain and simple, buffs fall off and your back to square one.
This would be fine of course but the problem is, even under that intense game play precision, the damage, honestly... is just good.
I guess what I’m saying is, it’s ok to make something very difficult to maintain as long as the rewards are in kind but with Surfer, that skill is just not rewarded and I think that’s what’s bumming me out.
It’s rare that I find a champ that I love everything about and thoroughly enjoy playing with and feel like some how these pixels are special to me and Surfers got it!
It’s just...his damage/utility is not there. In fact the only place this worked was ROL Winter Soldier and that was only because he can’t throw special 3s.
My tweaks:
Damage: Just increase his attack stats by 25%, I think it will go a long way.
Quality of Life: Increase buff duration by 25%-50%. We need some time to deal with opponents special attacks.
Utility: If power cosmic is unavailable, heavy attack siphons buff from opponent for 5-8 seconds. This will give him access to more buffs that are not unique to him for more energy damage and since they are now unique, power cosmic buffs sustainability (i.e. refreshing fury, armor and power gain).
If phasing a projectile, Surfer absorbs object through board and metamorphoses it to a plume of regenerative gas on the other side. (This will help with sustainability)
Increase Aptitude to max of 2. (By the text I’m pretty sure this was the original design so maybe this will make a return)
A possible synergy (Cosmic Ghost Rider):
Whenever the power cosmic is being consume, 50% chance to gain one random buff for 8 seconds. (Random buff, more damage from passive)
I know this was long, but this character has soooo much potential and barely needs to be tweaked for him to be least I think he should be. He’s so awesome, I want to use him everywhere but as it is now...he’s just prestige.
I do think he’ll age quit well. It’s important that we keep in mind that we don’t know what kind of crazy nodes the team have waiting for us in the future. Ruminating on his passive immunity list, the way it’s structured can’t be an accident and may have larger reaches then just willpower and buffs.
With Surfer, it could be that like many of the lesser 5 stars from mcoc antiquity, that once available as a 6 star from which natural rank was that of R4, the boost in power really brought them more into the light from which the lack of resources (understandably) cast them away. The same maybe true for when it’s possible for Surfer to be obtained as a 7 star or at R4 duped as a 6 star but unfortunately only time will tell.
Prestige dud 🤣