Cavalier Arena Crystals:

Since cavalier difficulty is on way my question is will we see cavalier arena Crystals to get more gold and units.
Uncollected arena crystals are good but any chances for cavalier arena crystals. I want them so bad right now.
Uncollected arena crystals are good but any chances for cavalier arena crystals. I want them so bad right now.
You don’t get more gold or units from uncollected crystals, they cost five times as much as the regular crystals and give five times the rewards, it’s exactly the same.
I think there are alot of endgame players who are FTP open Uncollected crystals for units and If cavalier arena crystals gives you more units and gold then what's the problem.
Just because your luck with Uncollected crystals is not good that doesn't means others don't deserve to get new level crystals.
The Drop Rates for receiving Units/Gold are fairly consistent between the 2 types, and the potential individual amounts of Units/Gold from UC are exactly 5x that of regular (and equivalently, UC costs 5x more Chips to open). Some will argue a slight difference in Units and Gold between the types, but definitely NOT anything along the lines of the difference in Hero Crystals for being UC/Cav vs lower level (ie, whatever you think would be a Units/Gold equivalence of the difference between 3*-5* champs vs 2*-4* champs).
Only thing of note is the higher STAR Version for the very rare Punisher Champ between the 2 types. So I guess you could argue that CAV Arena crystals should contain even the next higher Star version of Punisher, but that would basically be it.
Regular crystals give gold as 3k, 5k, 10k, units as 15, 30, 45
Uncollected crystals give gold as 15k, 25k, 50k, units as 75, 150, 225.
Can you spot the relationship? Hint: it has something to do with their battlechips cost.
The drop rates are also exactly the same. So, once more with feeling, there is no difference at all between the two when it comes to gold and units.
10lbs of feathers?
Or 10lbs of rocks?
Now replace the question with, what arena crystal gives more gold/’ll land at the same answer.
In the end Uncollected gives more units like you already have mentioned.