Defender diversity

How can be possible that an alliance have points for 108 "unique" champs if in the game actually are released only 106 champs? 
Please answer this I'm curious

Please answer this I'm curious
How @Kabam Miike ? Just 106 different champs aviable
This was Mike explanation before new wars started, but with the result of this first war seems different
Yes something indeed may be bugged. But kabam's got enough on their plate right now
he double-checked trying to count unique champs placed only for single group (example, he had only one magik in bg1 and only one magik in bg2 and he counted them as 2 uniques champs) and doing this math the total was exactly 86 like the result of war was saying
Clarification on this? @Kabam Miike
I hope we get an explanation soon, we need to know exactly how this work before placing
It shows 0 during the war, probably as a keep alliances from sharing. If you know yours is lower and will be the deciding factor in the event of a tie, you'll know not to waste items. As shown in the pics above, you can see how big of a factor this can be.