Abyss easy path w/o nick fury suggestion

Hi All
i plan to do abyss easy path, but i don't have nick fury and struggling to finalise my team.
i have aegon, HT and doom so most of the fights are covered
im worried about IW , i know aegon can power through with resonance mastery but i dont have it unlocked and i feel its cheaper to buy revives instead
also worried about imiw.. not really confident that aegon can take him with few revives
lastly, below are the champs that i have to fill in the 2 slots.. am thinking to bring BWCV and void but any other suggestions is most welcome
5r5 BWCV
6r1 void
5r4 AA
6r1 MS
5r2 Heimdall
6r1 PM
i plan to do abyss easy path, but i don't have nick fury and struggling to finalise my team.
i have aegon, HT and doom so most of the fights are covered
im worried about IW , i know aegon can power through with resonance mastery but i dont have it unlocked and i feel its cheaper to buy revives instead
also worried about imiw.. not really confident that aegon can take him with few revives
lastly, below are the champs that i have to fill in the 2 slots.. am thinking to bring BWCV and void but any other suggestions is most welcome
5r5 BWCV
6r1 void
5r4 AA
6r1 MS
5r2 Heimdall
6r1 PM
Aegon can handle IMIW easily, provided you have 999 combo it's just a bit of a slog. I wasn't aware people feared him so much when I fought him, and I don't think that fear is justified.
Did all my fights against IW with aegon and torch, both can get her down in 3-4 fights no problem (torch i think 2 fights is very possible if you build up the smolder).
2)Human Torch
3)Claire Voyant/Doom
4)Doctor Voodoo(If you don't have 5* then you can use 4* rank 5 as well)For VTD and AEGON easy solo.