It see it as something we get for simply doing what we do anyway, I don't look forward to getting it on Thursday like I used to because for me the rewards are a bit outdated, but that's because I'm further into the game than others. For lower plates the rewards are probably amazing, just like they were for me back in the day.
So the fact that they're outdated for anyone that's played over 4 months with proper progression is something that we can all agree on ? Again I'm not saying an overhaul is needed but a minor tweak to the rewards would be appreciated . You can even add a system that grant's you loyalty based on the individual score you put up. ( mainly for players who don't do war )
The rewards are outdated for anyone who has progressed past Act 4 (to be generous). I would also much rather see quest revives instead of AQ/AW revives. I constantly have them expiring but can't seem to get enough of the quest revives when I need them
We usually put up a bit over 750k points, which is almost 1k 5* shards every week.