Alliance tasks: Team uses

Is it possible to add new teams to the Alliance 3days tasks of Team Use?

Some suggestions:

1, I think Fantastic Four has more champs available than Guardians.

2, As we have more female champs now, why not an All Female Champs team use task like the one we had on International Women’s Day before?

3, And, why not a Size-Matters Team Use Task?

4, why not a All robots team? (I know, this will only limit to TECH class champs...)

5, btw, where is the spider-verse now?

Other than this alliance 3days task, the daily class quests also need updated too. Please include new champs to the daily classes quests. Eg, I don’t think there’s only Juggernaut or unstoppable colossus enlisted in the Mystic class? ( so is moon knight in Sill class). I found it recently, I have to kill 3 Juggernaut in a short Hard diff. Class event back to back.... And time to revise the rewards too...

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