Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Respect your mother, kids!

Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
I was just casually auto fighting through heroic mode and picked up an ultimate crystal. Poor old me desperate for some ISO approached my mother to tap the crystal for me

Duped 4* (DpXF but hey I needed mutant iso!)

Intrigued, I decided to let her spin and tap the 5* crystal, the shards for which I was hoarding, in anticipation of the dual class crystal)

And boy oh boy

Just make ur mum spin them crystals!
(Also I now have AA, Omega, Colossus - three candidates for the act 5 100% awakening gem)



  • Options
    YoMovesYoMoves Posts: 1,281 ★★★★
    Colossus is not worth a generic gem.

    Just saying.
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    Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    YoMoves said:

    Colossus is not worth a generic gem.

    Just saying.

    Well I guess omega will get it then. I actually don't know a thing about Colossus other than he used to be garbage. But hey one day!
  • Options
    YoMovesYoMoves Posts: 1,281 ★★★★
    Rabanga said:

    I was just casually auto fighting through heroic mode and picked up an ultimate crystal. Poor old me desperate for some ISO approached my mother to tap the crystal for me

    Duped 4* (DpXF but hey I needed mutant iso!)

    Intrigued, I decided to let her spin and tap the 5* crystal, the shards for which I was hoarding, in anticipation of the dual class crystal)

    And boy oh boy

    Just make ur mum spin them crystals!
    (Also I now have AA, Omega, Colossus - three candidates for the act 5 100% awakening gem)

    Only put it in Omega if you have the sig stones to pump into him...he needs a high sig. AA just needs 1 sig, but I wouldn't use it on him either.
    AA needs approximately 90-100 sigs in total, actually.

    The sweetspot for Increased Toxicity is making it so it lowers ability accuracy by 33.3% per Neurotoxin, so that 3 of them cuts the enemy's AA to 0. It's the best he can do.
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    Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Posts: 1,196 ★★★★

    YoMoves said:

    Colossus is not worth a generic gem.

    Just saying.

    Well I guess omega will get it then. I actually don't know a thing about Colossus other than he used to be garbage. But hey one day!
    NO!!!!! Colossus is better than omega. 1000% worth a generic. Sig 70-80 is enough
    I could consider this honestly. I don't use suicides so I really don't know how much value omega would bring me. Sig stones I'll eventually have. Thanks I guess. Will keep in mind
  • Options
    Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Posts: 1,196 ★★★★

    YoMoves said:

    Rabanga said:

    I was just casually auto fighting through heroic mode and picked up an ultimate crystal. Poor old me desperate for some ISO approached my mother to tap the crystal for me

    Duped 4* (DpXF but hey I needed mutant iso!)

    Intrigued, I decided to let her spin and tap the 5* crystal, the shards for which I was hoarding, in anticipation of the dual class crystal)

    And boy oh boy

    Just make ur mum spin them crystals!
    (Also I now have AA, Omega, Colossus - three candidates for the act 5 100% awakening gem)

    Only put it in Omega if you have the sig stones to pump into him...he needs a high sig. AA just needs 1 sig, but I wouldn't use it on him either.
    AA needs approximately 90-100 sigs in total, actually.

    The sweetspot for Increased Toxicity is making it so it lowers ability accuracy by 33.3% per Neurotoxin, so that 3 of them cuts the enemy's AA to 0. It's the best he can do.
    The magic number is 112.
    So either 1 or 112, nothing in between makes a difference.
    I'm planning to give AA a class gem, will keep him at Sig 1, he is such a monster
    Bummer. I've always wanted to awaken my 5* AA and shred through electros for fun
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    Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    jdeck59 said:

    Denzel116 said:

    Colossus is worth all the resources. Thank me later.

    I mean only if you like doing anywhere between 20-60k for heavies and specials lol
    Is that low?
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    Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    Denzel116 said:

    Colossus is worth all the resources. Thank me later.

    Will do lol
  • Options
    Kill_GreyKill_Grey Posts: 8,666 ★★★★★

    YoMoves said:

    Colossus is not worth a generic gem.

    Just saying.

    Well I guess omega will get it then. I actually don't know a thing about Colossus other than he used to be garbage. But hey one day!
    NO!!!!! Colossus is better than omega. 1000% worth a generic. Sig 70-80 is enough
    I could consider this honestly. I don't use suicides so I really don't know how much value omega would bring me. Sig stones I'll eventually have. Thanks I guess. Will keep in mind
    If you're not running suicides, then 100% go for Colossus. I guess AA is cool too, but you could awaken him later since he's not as reliant on awakening as Colossus (in my opinion).
  • Options
    Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Posts: 1,196 ★★★★

    YoMoves said:

    Colossus is not worth a generic gem.

    Just saying.

    Well I guess omega will get it then. I actually don't know a thing about Colossus other than he used to be garbage. But hey one day!
    NO!!!!! Colossus is better than omega. 1000% worth a generic. Sig 70-80 is enough
    I could consider this honestly. I don't use suicides so I really don't know how much value omega would bring me. Sig stones I'll eventually have. Thanks I guess. Will keep in mind
    If you're not running suicides, then 100% go for Colossus. I guess AA is cool too, but you could awaken him later since he's not as reliant on awakening as Colossus (in my opinion).
    Yeah that's what I've been feeling. With AA, even unawakened at r4, the damage is there, and the ability accuracy can be substituted with units (jk). Unless I get ghost I guess I'll consider Colossus
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    Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Posts: 4,495 ★★★★★
    I am going to fly over to the east coast and get my mom to open my next 6* basic.
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    Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    depends on how many sigs you have and if you run suicides
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    the_eradicatorthe_eradicator Posts: 360 ★★★
    You should not use generic on colossus only class gem.But it really boils down to your entire team and the available awakening gems.
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    MaxGamingMaxGaming Posts: 3,204 ★★★★★
    Well I open my own and got Corvus Doom Warlock DarkHawk and Hype I let my mom Magneto Ultron BP Falcon wasp
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    Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    walkerdog said:

    Awakening colossus is worth it. Recommend playing him a bit to see how u like him bc theres always Aegon, nf, hype etc. who deserve it even MORE but hes up there on the top end.

    I've got NF r4 awakened, hyperion I have cosmic gem for, Aegon I don't have and I don't plan on doing Labyrinth anytime in the next 10 months
    So I guess he's currently the front runner
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    Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Posts: 1,196 ★★★★

    I am going to fly over to the east coast and get my mom to open my next 6* basic.

    As long as you keep your distance from everyone, it's worth it.
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    Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Posts: 1,196 ★★★★

    depends on how many sigs you have and if you run suicides

    I don't run suicides. Sigs I would be able to put 80 sigs on him (all generic plus mutant)
    Pretty confused rn due to the lack of sig stones for me
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    Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Posts: 1,196 ★★★★

    You should not use generic on colossus only class gem.But it really boils down to your entire team and the available awakening gems.

    Ah, everyone is giving a different advice. If I get q mutant gem from 5.3 then I guess I'll save the generic
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    Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    MaxGaming said:

    Well I open my own and got Corvus Doom Warlock DarkHawk and Hype I let my mom Magneto Ultron BP Falcon wasp

    Oh wow.
    Well atleast ya got magneto!
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    Hera1d_of_Ga1actusHera1d_of_Ga1actus Posts: 2,439 ★★★★★
    edited July 2020
    I have no idea what this thread is about other than the title and am just here to say.....I do indeed respect my mother
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    JimmyBJimmyB Posts: 211 ★★
    All I see is account sharing which is a violation of TOS!
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    Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Posts: 1,196 ★★★★

    I have no idea what this thread is about other than the title and am just here to say.....I do indeed respect my mother

    Good. That's all you need.
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    Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    JimmyB said:

    All I see is account sharing which is a violation of TOS!

    I'm gonna assume this is a joke but you can let someone just tap your crystals right? My mom isn't into gaming so ofc she'd never play this game (besides she has no time for it)
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    ShafeeqShafeeq Posts: 569 ★★★
    I respect and love my mom so I let her open my 5-star crystal and boom I got a 5-star stealth spidey...
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    Rodomontade_BoiRodomontade_Boi Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    Shafeeq said:

    I respect and love my mom so I let her open my 5-star crystal and boom I got a 5-star stealth spidey...

    Big win. I need him so bad.. My roster lacks his utility.. Congrats!
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