I just got uncollected, need some help deciding which 4*s to rank up.

aroseinbloom39aroseinbloom39 Member Posts: 62
So I currently have 7 4 stars at rank 5, OR, Sunspot, NF, Ghulk, Sym Sup, Corvus, and Warlock. I also have a 5 star r3 thing, and an r2 domino( really recent ). At rank 4 I have AA, Gwenpool, Void, Mysterio, Gilly 2099 and Ghost rider. I'm planning to do the uncollected EQ next month coz I got stuck on this month's sasquatch. Which one should I rank up? Aside from domino, whom I'm planning to.

I just got uncollected, need some help deciding which 4*s to rank up. 22 votes

phillgreenM1k0rinShafeeqKill_GreyEtjamaIron_Patriot_is_litSarvanga1_Tyler1620BonzodavidMauledOmedennChikelAburaeesFluffy_pawsMercury79Rouger4QazzyHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 18 votes
aroseinbloom39 1 vote
Void( unawakened )
Guillotine 2099( unawakened )
Lucifer1810Gr8TonyStarkRed_Guardian 3 votes
Ghost Rider


  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    Gonna have to go with stellan on this one. Rank up your five stars, they’ll help you more in the long run.
  • GiantmetalheadjrGiantmetalheadjr Member Posts: 347
    None, forget about 4* work on 5* only
  • StaphMemberStaphMember Member Posts: 337 ★★★
    Archangel is likely your best bet, but the mutant Tier 4 cats would be better utilized for Domino.
    If you absolutely have to max out another 4*, I would wait to see what nodes/abilities the new bosses have in the coming EQ. If either are bleed/poison immune, resources into AA would have been a waste.
  • ShafeeqShafeeq Member Posts: 569 ★★★
    Sasquatch is nothing in front of AA and I used my 4 max AA instead of 5-star rank 4 AA to one-shot sasquatch
  • ShafeeqShafeeq Member Posts: 569 ★★★
    Bro AA or domi both would help but it is your wish
    remember archangel short term and easy but domino long term and hard to achieve rank 4
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