Even if it did happen it would be an advantage and a huge step for Kabam and more maintenances
It might be advantageous to play one single fight on a console, but overall I think there would be disadvantages to playing on a console because the mobile platform is much easier to jump in and out of and play at random times or in random places. There would be enough of a difference in expectations for the players of the console version that they would almost certainly have to be a game unto itself, running on different servers and competing against themselves outside of the main game. And at that point you're basically devoting a lot of development resources to just run a clone of your game with minimal benefit to the core game.
Easiest way to make a console version is to completely separate mobile and console users. The complete separation could help focus on story in a potential console version, and maybe drop the need for units/gold and arenas. A potential console version would include different leaderboards as well. I've had a couple of thoughts on this, and separating two platforms is the best way to stop any of the two platforms from getting an advantage over another
Just as the mobile game Bleach, bringing Marvel Contest of Champions to the console would bring more to the game. So many Mobile Games are getting a console side to them and don't see why Contest of Champions should only be on mobile. It would work on both.
Will it?: No