No more reskins?(!)(not a novella)(HELLO!)

How come their aren't any more actual reskins in the game? Like Regular Magneto and the White Skin Magento, Regular Captain America and WWII Captain America, Classic Ms.Marvel and Captain Marvel.
I know they're are some technically reskins, like Classic Vision/Vision AOU and Ms.Marvel/Captain Marvel Movie but I want a bonafide reskin since (im not sure about this correct me if im wrong) they shouldn't be to hard too make
An example of a new one could be Luke Cage in his Power man costume. Also, if a reskin is a god tier they wouldn't hurt the old crystal odds know what I am saying >_*.
What do you guys think, do you want more alts? (not alt accounts like alternate skinned champions)
I know they're are some technically reskins, like Classic Vision/Vision AOU and Ms.Marvel/Captain Marvel Movie but I want a bonafide reskin since (im not sure about this correct me if im wrong) they shouldn't be to hard too make

An example of a new one could be Luke Cage in his Power man costume. Also, if a reskin is a god tier they wouldn't hurt the old crystal odds know what I am saying >_*.
What do you guys think, do you want more alts? (not alt accounts like alternate skinned champions)
Maybe only make reskins of god tiers, then?
The *actual* reskins, Classic and TV Daredevil, Superior and OG Iron Man, Symbiote and Classic Spidey, Ms Marvel and OG Cap Marvel, the OG and WW2 Cap and the 2 Cykes, Visions and Magnetos are among the oldest champions in the game and they date from a time when the dev team were smaller, the budget was lower and the aim was to try and throw out as many new champions as possible as fast as possible. This is why many of the oldest characters also have very similar fighting styles or specials as well as identical victory animations. As the company grew they moved away from reskins as much as possible to make the characters more unique.
Reskins for the sake of a new outfit, frankly make the game look cheap and garbage.
Lets do ZERO reskin. A reskin to me is OG Cap and Cap WWII. There is little different about them. animations the same. abilities not all that different.
Let do more in the sense of Cap IW and OG Cap. Theoretically, they are both Steve Rogers - Captain America. But in the game, they are totally different in animations and powers. I would rather different versions of popular characters in this way.
If they were to do Power Man, find a way for him to be a distinctly different champion.