Best Mutant of 2020 July

so before Charles Xavier and the other unknown mutant come I wanna see what people believe the best mutant is before he comes out.
Best Mutant of 2020 July 314 votes
Even the most feared crossbones seems easy peasy oneshot with him.
Only champ that is possible better than him is omega, with suicides and very high sig.
Colossus does not need suicides and also doesn't need high sig(S70 is enough), which is another reason why he is better.
Domino, no immunity, great damage, no healing
Omega, basic immunity, good damage, unique healing, unique poisoning, ability to damage and heal parallely
For high damage with no immunity required, domino
For unique Immunity protection, colossus
For mix of both, Omega
Mutant is my least favorite class and he's the only one I actually find fun to play so it's him for me. Have an r5 Colossus and I can see why people like him but personally not a fan.