T4cc trade in crystals

Unlike most who think these crystals are useless, I've always seen some value in them. Better to trade in three than to let them expire or rank up someone you don't want to rank up. Also the trade in crystals never expire. But we do need something better. I just ranked a cosmic champ from 0 to R5. That used up all my cosmic t4cc. I have a lot of t4cc so I could easily get enough to rank another cosmic champ I want to take up. But it would give me a ton of stash cats I can't use. Did a few. Traded in 3 mutant. Got a skill. Traded in 3 skill. Got a mutant. This happens a lot. Kabam has initiated a number of QOL changes. It's time to change the trade in crystal to a selector. I get why they didn't do this at first. T4cc were much more rare. At this point the trade in crystals don't make sense. They still make more sense than the t4cc arena, which is beyond absurd, but one thing at a time lol.
They should allow us to sell the excess ones as well if we want just like with t4 basics. Even if it's at 1%. It would be much better for end game players
I want at all costs. If it costs me all my t4cc then so be it. It r5s the champ that I need to rank up. It’s the right approach.
But this trade 3 t4cc for a t4cc of the class you don’t want, it’s at least offensive nowadays imo 😠