Anti-Block breaking mastery

I get how it is cool in stories & quests to have ur block unbreakable. However, it is not cool to put someone without that mastery against someone who has it in the arena. It is hard enough to get off a successful heavy hit, without it being useless. It is also impossible to win against any character whose block can't be broken. All they have to do is stand there and block til u get bored. C'mon now, the game always puts too champs(Domino, Kingpin, etc) with that mastery against me on my 11th fight. Almost without fail. And, of course, their hero rating is always 2-3 times higher than my champs. Unwinnable situation. I call it multiplier theft, cuz that is exactly what it is. How about just a little fairness in the arena. Other than that, I love the arena, it's where I spend most of my in-game time.