Which one should get all the sig. Stones

I am cavalier and done 100% varient 4 and 3 ...varient 2 completed and is around 60% varient 1 chapter 1 only done.
Where should i put my sig stones
I can get any one of them at around 120-150 and by the time summoner appreciatation ends maybe max sig one of these.
Where should i put my sig stones
I can get any one of them at around 120-150 and by the time summoner appreciatation ends maybe max sig one of these.
I’ve honestly not really found a use for Namor on my roster. I ranked him down when they adjusted him and haven’t missed him and haven’t really ranked anyone up to do his ‘job’. So unless Prestige is a Major concern i wouldn’t bother
AA is pretty similar in that he's very effective in some matchups but only mediocre if he can't access the full extent of his abilities, though I'd say he's less specialized than Namor. As long as they can bleed and be poisoned with no negative effects on the attacker, AA will shred the fight. Add in an immunity and he's not great. He doesn't need a high sig level though.
Cap has a lot of utility when duped (I'd say more than the other 2), but like Namor needs a high sig level.
No bad option here. It really comes down to what you need.
Who knows might need one of these in boss rushes that are coming