Random suicide squads in arena

Has anyone else been having terrible troubles getting hit randomly with suicides squads in arena lately?
I’m using same teams since before the brief interruption. Same champs. Same teams. Even at fight number 10 where I use 3 6* champs as always. I’m getting the same matchups against R3 6* Nick Fury, Domino, Ghost. I’ve had this happen all parts of my streaks and lost streak multiple times last arena and now starting again. Happened at fights 10,16,17,18,32,37,52 etc etc.
I’m stuck at fight 18 right now again with this and likely won’t get past it with current matchup.
I rely on arena milestones 5* shards and units to keep up with the pace of the game play
If this continues I won’t be able to play. As I’ll be unable to hit milestones this way. Energy time to recover and reuse champs make it impossible to restart streak over and over.
I’ve never had this issue. Been doing arena same way since this 5* arena started. Slight changes with champs as new ones come in. But never this trouble
Anyone else experiencing this? Any ideas or help
I’m using same teams since before the brief interruption. Same champs. Same teams. Even at fight number 10 where I use 3 6* champs as always. I’m getting the same matchups against R3 6* Nick Fury, Domino, Ghost. I’ve had this happen all parts of my streaks and lost streak multiple times last arena and now starting again. Happened at fights 10,16,17,18,32,37,52 etc etc.
I’m stuck at fight 18 right now again with this and likely won’t get past it with current matchup.
I rely on arena milestones 5* shards and units to keep up with the pace of the game play
If this continues I won’t be able to play. As I’ll be unable to hit milestones this way. Energy time to recover and reuse champs make it impossible to restart streak over and over.
I’ve never had this issue. Been doing arena same way since this 5* arena started. Slight changes with champs as new ones come in. But never this trouble
Anyone else experiencing this? Any ideas or help