6.4.6 Grandmaster Reverse controls are bugged

What is stated on Grandmaster abilaties is that during is special animation, the reverse controls are paused, during my last few runs at this quest, this is not working as intended. The reverse controls timer is paused furing the special animation, bu the controls are still reversed. Have anyone else had the same issue?
I did this quest 4 times during the past week, tried different champs and happened all the time.
I did this quest 4 times during the past week, tried different champs and happened all the time.
The reversed controls timer is paused...which means no time comes off the clock. The reverse controls are still in effect, the timer is just not advancing when paused.
It's just like Special 3 animations. If you pause during a Special 3 animation, you'll see a note that says buffs are paused during special 3 animations. This means if you launch an L3 with 3 furies, the L3 will have its damage enhanced by the 3 furies, but they won't have a chance of expiring while the animation plays out. The timer will resume once the animation is over. Same with the grandmaster fight and reversed controls.
No bug here.
What is happenig is that the timer is paused and controls are still reversed.
I see you're using Dr. Doom. Take this for example:
You use a special 3 with Doom to trigger a fury buff. Then you work to fire off another L3 before the fury expires so you can stack a second buff. When you fire that 2nd L3, the damage output is stronger than the first because now you have a fury (the one triggered after the first L3 was launched) activated. The damage is stronger because the fury buff is still active during the 2nd L3, but the fury buff is also paused. In other words, the fury buff won't expire mid-animation during L3 specials.
The fury buff is paused, but it's still in effect.
The same is true for the reversed controls. They are paused during specials, but they are still in effect.