Suicide Masteries in Variants, Act 6 and LOL

Wanted to ask everyone's experience on using Suicide Masteries on the long endgame content like Act 6, Variants, LOL and Abyss
I've been running suicide masteries for some time now and have found them to be excellent for Arena, EQ and AQ. But whenever I try to take on the Variants and Act 6 content, I find that the nodes and length of the fights makes it a bit less enjoyable. I wonder what others running endgame content do with suicides ? I run AW but my alliance doesn't really get fussed about suicides.
I've been running suicide masteries for some time now and have found them to be excellent for Arena, EQ and AQ. But whenever I try to take on the Variants and Act 6 content, I find that the nodes and length of the fights makes it a bit less enjoyable. I wonder what others running endgame content do with suicides ? I run AW but my alliance doesn't really get fussed about suicides.