Anything being done about legend tags....

For the few who tried to do it on the Sunday where it unexpectedly went down? The time it was down should be taken off our total time plus maybe an extra 5 minutes for all the lag/freezing it had before it went down, can we please get a response from Kabam? Its not fair to us who used up all our boosts & units on refills/changing masteries exclusively for the quest. If I where to do the quest without the legend tag it would cost me $0 & 0 units but getting screwed over by this we deserve some type of reimbursement. If it was an announced maintenance it would be on us but it wasn't, Kabam needs to take responsibility for this & either give us back the boosts & units we spent or cut some type of time from our finished time
This seems like a lame excuse for free rewards as well as a troll post
A. I've been posting about this almost every other day immediately after it happened & still no response from Kabam
B. They haven't reviewed the times yet so until they do I'm expecting a response
C. I'm not asking anything for free, I want what I deserve & what I paid for, getting screwed outta probably 1000 units & the $30 booster pack I bought a week prior that I planned on using specially for that day & getting the servers shut down on me with literally 2 paths of 2.1 left & all but 1 path of 2.2 done on Master. That's complete BS & want what I paid for
Yeah I know, it sucks but I'm still gonna bug them cause it's their fault not mine & it's bull they get away with it. Any other company would refund you for this, it's like going to the movies & the movie going out 3/4's of the way through & them not refunding you! Just because they're an online company I guess they feel obligated to treat their customers like dirt cause that's how I feel like I've been treated, I've also put in about 5 support tickets to them.... no response, I can't wait for the day for someone to hire a lawyer & put up a class action lawsuit against them it's ridiculous
I've sent in multiple support tickets, no response & it doesn't effect everyone, you have 2 weeks to complete this quest & takes about 4 hours to compete for a legend tag, so unless you didn't do your run on this Sunday you can get a legend tag but if you started it during the unexpected server crash you're completely out of the running, it was down for an hour so you have 335 hours to do this quest, unfortunately it doesn't time you for fights only & it wouldn't cost Kabam a penny to reimburse me, it costs them nothing to give units besides paying their employee(which why're getting paid regardless lol) their wage for 1 minute of sending me what I paid for & didn't get to use properly on their fault. Sorry I'm venting & this situation just make me mad lol it's just the principal of the thing that gets me fired up
I know, it sucks but you should know that on the last day of arenas the servers tend to lag with all the last min grinders, or when maintenance is coming. So if you're going for a Legends run, don't do it at that timing as the risk of such things happening is higher.
Not saying it's 100% your fault, but it is our job as players to minimize the risk of having the game screw you up.
They can see exactly how long you played the quest for & what time/day you completed it, so they can see exactly when I did it & that I'm telling the truth. And it is 100% NOT my fault, you can never tell when the servers are gonna go down & I was 90% done with everything till they started messing up then went down completely