invisible woman buff concept

it may sound weird but if the invisible woman had a chance to become invisible as quickly as ghost then she would be a great champion overall.. as the damage output on invisible woman is pretty fantastic if the opponent has more than 20-30 vulnerability debuff as that not only stops their regen but also deliver huge punches together. her damage might not be good in beginning like cull obsidian but after a while if there was no invisibility cooldown timer then she would have rocked the whole game in an another level. long special attacks can not be dodged fully but if her invisibility could stay paused on well timed block that also could have made her one of the finest champs in the game... only problem in her gameplay is that u have to fully rely on dexterity and not blocking and that is problematic sometimes... just that small tweak could have made the champion the best damage champ in the game as she is my personal favourite character from fantastic four comics and movies as well