A lot of questions about Human Torch + poll

Pulled this man today from that spicy nexus compensation
What all does he need to be good? From what I've been able to understand,
1. Doesn't need synergies for heal reversal
2. I don't know which synergies are good for him
3. Doesn't necessarily require awakened ability, but it's great
So here are my questions
1. I have a science gem, Human torch and Cap IW. Should I use it on torch? *I BARELY HAVE ANY SIG STONES TO FEED INTO HIM AND I DOUBT I'LL EVER HAVE ENOUGH * I also will be done with act 5 100% soon and there's an AG crystal in SA calendar. I HAVE 28 SCIENCE SIG STONES AND 51 GENERIC (WHICH I PROBABLY WANNA HOLD ON TO WHY AM I SCREAMING)
2. Do I need to carry someone along all the time for him to be OP? I do have a 5* Mister Fantastic
Gem on.... (poll)
What all does he need to be good? From what I've been able to understand,
1. Doesn't need synergies for heal reversal
2. I don't know which synergies are good for him
3. Doesn't necessarily require awakened ability, but it's great
So here are my questions
1. I have a science gem, Human torch and Cap IW. Should I use it on torch? *I BARELY HAVE ANY SIG STONES TO FEED INTO HIM AND I DOUBT I'LL EVER HAVE ENOUGH * I also will be done with act 5 100% soon and there's an AG crystal in SA calendar. I HAVE 28 SCIENCE SIG STONES AND 51 GENERIC (WHICH I PROBABLY WANNA HOLD ON TO WHY AM I SCREAMING)
2. Do I need to carry someone along all the time for him to be OP? I do have a 5* Mister Fantastic
Gem on.... (poll)
A lot of questions about Human Torch + poll 10 votes
Wanna do act 6 and variants? Capiw