ROL with Mutant Synergy issue

When I was usually just bored and tried to practice with mutant synergy in the ROL, I encountered an issue where the fight lagged out when it was starting, then the fight started with both enraged effects already active on Red Hulk, he was unstoppable and unblockable, I don't know what's happening there!
Enraged timer is based on base attack values And Attack synergies
Lower attack lower the time you need to met the thresholds
The timers are based on your base attack rating and synergies. Masteries and boosts don't count.
You attempted to go in with rank 1 4* champs. Since your attack value was so low, the enrage timer correctly expired immediately. You'll need to rank up your champs to get more time. Most rank 5 4* champs will get about 3 minutes of fighting in if you don't use any synergies.
No bug here.
Lol been out for years
It’s basically common knowledge
Btw you need 2100 base damage to get the maximum timer
2100 no mastery or boost
Go to champ profile
click on their stats and multiple by 1.x to see how many synergies you need for r4 champs
R5s usually have enough attack