Nick Fury Power Drain Bug

There is a bug power draining duped Nick Fury as he goes into his Life Model Decoy mode. I've repeatedly seen when fighting with with Stark Spidey. If I use Stark Spidey's heavy attack to power drain Nick Fury (with Spidey's EMP webshots active) and that attack causes NF to go into LMD mode, his power won't be drained. This usually puts NF in SP1 or SP2 range when it should instead drain his power.
My guess: Nick Fury removes all effects when his LMD is destroyed. In some (all?) cases, power drain is counted as an instantaneous power drain debuff. As it's instantaneous, it doesn't ever show. This is part of the reason why Hawkeye erroneously won't power drain on his L1 when facing a debuff immune node. Since Nick's effect-shrugging happens at the same time as the instantaneous power drain effect, the power drain is bypassed and no power is ever drained.
Just a though on what might be happening. Try to get a video if you can.