ACT 6 Adjustments & Compensation

Hi Kabam, I know you are working out compensation for those who finished act 6 before the new adjustments. That is great and no rush. I just want you to really take into consideration that many players who completed Act 6 have also completed all the other end game content as well such as Abyss. Thus, these players have no need for revives and potions that will expire. That was the compensation you gave for the Captain Marvel Movie change in Abyss. You guys have been doing a great job lately and I just want you to consider this when you are making your determinations. Thanks
But I think Kabam said they were going to do compensation for all of Act 6 simultaneously rather than piecemeal, so the compensation for the Champion fight itself will likely be encapsulated within the overall compensation for Act 6. I think it is still unlikely we'd see units for the total Act 6 compensation, but I think it is less unlikely than just for the Champion fight. It depends on the overall changes and how much of an impact Kabam thinks those have overall.