6.2.6 champion boss

my team was bwcv, ghost rider, blade, blade, capiw... i fought the boss with stealthy with slow pre fight ability. He applied a slow debuff and still champion poped an unstoppable buff from his primal fury ability. but it was in the 70-40% area and I thought as he is under slow his unstoppable buff will not activate but I was stunned as soon as i attacked him... i am damn sure it is a bug because there is a ton of gameplay with stealth spidey or she hulk who fought the fight based on the slow debuff ability only.. what should i do now... he was also regening during that unstoppable time... i have to spend loads of revive during that 70-40% phase...
Naturally slow reduces AA by 100%, no matter how you move the numbers Around it’s an additive and subtracting formula not multiplicative.
100% AA+ 60 aa -100% aar leaves 60% aa
It’s not 160 *- 100% or whatever you want to use
Enhanced abilities makes it 80%
I have seen him proc to what seems To be levels of guaranteed In a fight. Maybe it’s bugged but we rly need more evidence
how do you say that AAR is only responsible here... even metalsonic dude also done his solo with she hulk in the summoner showdown final and won the game...